
admin2023-02-19  52

问题 中国人非常重视“吃”。“民以食为天”这句古老的俗语可谓众所周知。食物可口和营养丰富一直被当作日常生活的基本要素。中国的烹饪(cuisine)文化源远流长,始于商周朝,距今约3,500年。中国现有的菜肴品种有11,000种之多,烹调方法也有50多种。在漫长的发展过程中,中国菜逐渐分化为南北两大口味。一般来说,南方菜讲究鲜嫩,用料精选,做工(craftsmanship)细致。而北方菜由于天气寒冷相对油重一些,菜中常加醋(vinegar)和大蒜(garlic)。


答案Chinese people value their way of dining very much. There is a well-known old saying that "Food is the first necessity of the people." Delicious and nutritious food has always been regarded as the basics of everyday life. The Chinese cuisine culture, which originated from Shang and Zhou Dynasties, has a long history of about 3,500 years. Up to now, there are as many as 11,000 kinds of dishes and more than 50 ways of cooking. In the long process of development, Chinese dishes gradually developed into southern and northern tastes. In general, the southern dishes emphasize freshness and tenderness, and are cooked with carefully selected materials and fine craftsmanship. While due to the cold weather, northern dishes are relatively oily, and the use of vinegar and garlic tends to be quite popular.

解析     1.“中国人非常重视‘吃’”,“吃”应理解为“饮食的方式”而非“吃”的动作,所以译为the way of dining。
    2. “……这句古老的俗语可谓众所周知”,可使用there be句型,译为there is a well-known old saying。“民以食为天”对old saying起补充说明的作用,可处理为同位语从句。
    3. “中国的烹饪文化源远流长”强调历史悠久,可与“距今约3500年”合译为The Chinese cuisine culture has a long history of…years。“始于商周朝”可以处理为定语从句which originated from…。
    4. “南方菜讲究鲜嫩”,“讲究”可理解为“强调,着重(emphasize)”。“用料精选,做工细致”的主语为“南方菜”。因此需增译谓语动词are cooked,再将“用料精选,做工细致”译为状语cooked with carefully selected materials and fine craftsmanship。
    5. 最后一句可译为由and连接的并列句。“菜中常加醋和油”可处理为“醋和油的使用相当普遍”,把“醋和油的使用”用作该并列分句的主语。
