Dr. Sternberg has proposed a theory of intelligence that includes such traits as how well a person plans strategies for problem-

admin2013-06-03  38

问题     Dr. Sternberg has proposed a theory of intelligence that includes such traits as how well a person plans strategies for problem-solving or handles novel situations. And a theory put forth by Howard Gardner of Harvard describes seven kinds of intelligence, including the body control displayed by athletes and dancers, musical talent, interpersonal skills such as being able to read another’s feeling, as well as more academic abilities like mathematical and logical reasoning.
    Much of the new work examines attitudes that allow people to make best use of whatever mental skills they may have. One such outlook is what psychologists call "self- efficacy," the belief that one has mastery over the events of one’s life and can meet a given challenge.
    "People’s beliefs about their abilities have a profound effect on those abilities," said Albert Bandura, a psychologist at Stanford University, who has done the major research on self-efficacy. "Ability is not a fixed property; there is huge variability in how you perform. People who have a sense of self-efficacy bounce back from failure: they approach things in terms of how to handle them rather than worrying about what can go wrong. "
    In the study of exceptional managers by Drs. McClelland and Klemp, for instance, the best ones displayed a strong self-confidence, seeing themselves as the most capable person for their job and as being stimulated by crises. Along similar lines, Dr. Martin Seligman, a psychologist at the University of Pennsylvania, has shown that people who are more optimistic do better than pessimists in a wide variety of endeavors (努力) from selling insurance to achievement in school.
    Self-efficacy varies from one part of a person’s life to another. A self-confident manager, for instance, may feel ineffective as a father. Dr. Bandura and other researchers have found that self-efficacy acts as a powerful force in people’s choices of what they will try in life and what they avoid. Many women, they have found, have a low level of self-efficacy with regard to computers or math, and so tend to shy away from careers that depend heavily on those skills.
    Some of the psychologists believe that although the practical intelligence seems to come naturally to certain people, other people can be trained to be smarter in this way, to some extent. Dr. Sternberg and Dr. McClelland, for example, have worked on developing training techniques to enhance different aspects of practical intelligence.
"self-efficacy" reveals ______.

选项 A、people’s optimistic belief in handling affairs
B、people’s innate talent
C、people’s self-satisfaction
D、the idea that one can be the master of others if he is intelligent


