中国的农历(lunar calendar),又称“夏历”,是中国传统历法之一,据说产生于夏代,迄今已有3000年的历史。农历实际上是一种阴阳合历(lunisolar calendar),同时兼顾月亮和太阳的运行。农历的出现对中国农业和经济的发展产生了深远的

admin2018-10-16  297

问题     中国的农历(lunar calendar),又称“夏历”,是中国传统历法之一,据说产生于夏代,迄今已有3000年的历史。农历实际上是一种阴阳合历(lunisolar calendar),同时兼顾月亮和太阳的运行。农历的出现对中国农业和经济的发展产生了深远的影响。农历现今仍用于标记某些传统节日(如春节)、选择结婚吉日或生意开张吉日。不过,中国官方现在使用的是格勒哥里历(Gregorian calendar)——一种太阳历,以地球绕太阳公转为基础的历法——主要用于公共和商业事务。


答案 The Chinese lunar calendar, also called Xia calendar, is one of the traditional Chinese calendars. It is said to have originated in the Xia Dynasty and has had a history of almost 3,000 years till now. It is in fact a lunisolar calendar, incorporating the movement of the moon and that of the sun. Its emergence has a profound influence on the development of agriculture and economy in China. The calendar is still used today for marking traditional holidays such as the Spring Festival and choosing an auspicious date for a wedding or opening a business. However, the official calendar in China today is the Gregorian calendar, a solar calendar which is based on the revolution of the earth around the sun It is mainly used for public and business affairs.

解析 1.第1句很长,包含几个小分句,可考虑译成两句。第1句讲农历是中国传统历法之一,第2句讲农历产生的年代和历史。注意“据说产生于”要使用不定式的完成时态,表示“产生”的动作先于“据说”,即is said to have originated in….“迄今已有3000年的历史”要用完成时态。
3.倒数第2句“农历现今仍用于标记……”看似主动句,但含被动意思,要翻译成被动语态the calendar is used for marking…。
