AI systems must be trained how best to interact with humans. While organizations across sectors are now in the early stages of f

admin2021-05-18  51

问题     AI systems must be trained how best to interact with humans. While organizations across sectors are now in the early stages of filling trainer roles, leading tech companies and research groups already have mature training staffs and expertise. Consider Microsoft’s AI assistant. The bot required extensive training to develop just the right personality: confident, caring, and helpful but not bossy. Instilling those qualities took countless hours of attention by a team that included a poet, a novelist, and a playwright. Similarly, human trainers were needed to develop the personalities of Apple’s Siri and Amazon’s Alexa to ensure that they accurately reflected their companies’ brands. Siri, for example, has just a touch of sassiness, as consumers might expect from Apple.


答案 必须训练人工智能系统,让它们最好地与人类进行互动。虽然各部门各组织现在处于担当培训师角色的早期阶段,但领先的技术公司和研究团队已经拥有成熟的培训人员和专业知识。拿微软的人工智能助手来说,机器人需要进行广泛的培训才能培养出恰当的个性:自信、关怀、乐于助人而不专横。培养这些品质需要一个专门的团队专注在这上面花费无数个小时,该团队包括诗人、小说家和剧作家。同样,苹果公司的智能语音助手Siri和亚马逊的语音助理A1exa也需要人类培训师来培养,以确保他们准确地反映公司的品牌定位。例如,Siri就像消费者可能对苹果公司的期待那样,有点时髦。

