住在北京 恭王府的格局有些像缩小简约了的故宫,有中轴线而左右严格对称。从最前面的那扇现代铁门进去,里面还有两道王府原先留下的朱漆二门三门,都配得有门厅,门厅两边各有一排厢房,大约以前住卫兵。两门离地面有相当高度,之间有一条石砌的甬道相连,走在上面是

admin2019-08-19  37

问题                                         住在北京


答案 Living in Bering Prince Kung’s Mansion is somewhat the miniature version of the Imperial Palace, also featuring an axis and the strictly symmetrical style. Walking through the modern iron front gate, you are met with a second and third red gate originally built for the Mansion. And both of these gates have hallways with a row of wing-rooms along each side. Guards probably occupied these rooms in the old days. These two gates are quite high from the ground, and there is a stone passage between them, those who walking on it used to be people of high social status. The third gate opens directly to the main courtyard facing a magnificent main hall, which has now been used as the meeting room of Chinese National Academy of Arts. On both sides of the main hall, you can find side halls, empty all year round, and nobody knows what’s in it. Pass through the main hall you come to the main courtyard. There are two giant ginkgo trees. When autumn arrives, the trees gild their leaves, which shine brightly, sending out an air of wealth and nobility. And there are four side yards on either side of the main courtyard. The two on the left are high, wide and solemn, while the two on the right are quite elegant and exquisite, in which peach and plum trees are planted, and slender green bamboos sway in the wind. Between the main courtyard and the side yards is a long and narrow path leading to a large garden at the back. Between the main courtyard and the garden, there is a concave two-story building as long as a bounding wall, cutting the whole mansion off in the middle, marking the end of the front part. As Chinese people avoid the number ten, one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand, etc. , in old days, they gave this building a strange name "ninety-nine and a half". Sure enough, this is exactly the number of its rooms. Behind this building appears the garden.

解析     “缩小简约了的”其实就是“缩小版”的含义,使用the miniature version of言简意赅;“有中轴线而左右严格对称”是恭王府格局像故宫的原因,因此添加副词also显化这一内涵,使用动名词featuring做伴随状语表原因。
    因为原文以从外到内的顺序介绍的恭王府,由此可推断“正院”在“正殿”之后,为使读者更清楚其位置关系,需增译“Pass through the main hall”这部分来引出“正院”。这句话包含两层含义,一是正院有两棵很大的银杏树,一是秋天的景象。译为一句话容易表意不清,故处理为两句;“一树金黄”指的是树叶因为秋天的到来变成了金黄色,这里使用表示“镀金”的动词gild,将秋天染黄树叶的过程动态化,语言简洁、生动。
    这句话将原因放在了后边,翻译时根据英文习惯用表示原因的介词as引导原因状语,将之提前;“忌满数”指古人认为过满则亏,因此忌讳使用“十、百、千、万”之类的数字,译文将之具化为“ten,one hundred,one thousand,ten thousand”,便于读者找到列举数字的规律并理解。
