Some local education commissions recently announced teachers who have accepted gifts or cash from students or their parents will

admin2021-05-24  37

问题         Some local education commissions recently announced teachers who have accepted gifts or cash from students or their parents will be disqualified from applying for professional titles. The move seeks to further curb gift-giving by parents seeking more opportunities or individual attention for their children. The following article discusses related regulations.
        Write an article of NO LESS THAN 300 words, in which you should:
        1. summarize the article briefly, and then
        2. express your opinion towards those regulations.
        It would be a shame for the education system—in fact, the nation as whole—if Teachers’ Day were to become a time for parents to wrack their brains thinking about what gifts to give teachers to ensure that their children get "special treatment" or to prevent them from being discriminated against in class.
        To give or not to give gifts is a decision that puts huge pressure on parents whose children are in school. Several surveys conducted by Internet portals, forums and special survey agencies in recent years have indicated that a majority of Chinese parents had been haunted at least once by such a dilemma before Teachers’ Day. Apart from flowers, fruits, watches as well as expensive handbags, jewelry and shopping vouchers or cards, some parents have also gifted cash to teachers. A few wealthy parents have even arranged overseas trips for teachers.
        Surveys, however, have also shown that some teachers do not enjoy the gifts they receive from students’ parents. Quite a few teachers who responded to surveys said they usually make a painful choice between accepting and declining a gift. Last year, some 10 well-known elementary and middle schools used the Ministry of Education’s website to appeal to teachers across the country to decline gifts from students and their parents. The appeal resonated strongly across educational institutions and was welcomed by many parents.
        Traditionally, teachers have always been held in high esteem in Chinese society. Most Chinese people still believe in the maxim, "a teacher for a day is a father for a whole life". We have also long viewed teachers as "engineers of the human soul" and "hardworking gardeners" helping "flowers" blossom for the motherland. We also know that the nation cannot fulfill its aspiration of greatness without the selfless dedication of its teachers, who nurture talents from one generation to another.
        Therefore, the entire society should respect teachers. And indeed it is understandable and acceptable that students give a token gift to teachers to show their respect to and gratitude toward them. But the sacred relationship between teachers and students is soiled when students give gifts to teachers with some ulterior motives—to get favors or special treatment, for example.
        Many people desperately wanted the education authorities to take measures to check the commercialization of dealings between teachers and parents, and that is precisely what the Ministry of Education has done.
        But then the creation of a series of Internet technologies and means for giving and receiving gifts, such as e-vouchers and e-cards, and WeChat red packets, have made the malpractice difficult to detect. So the education authorities, aside from passing rigorous regulations banning the malpractice, should also take stricter measures to improve the education system as a whole to ensure that there is no room for corruption.


答案 Teachers Should Say No to Corruption According to the report, both parents and teachers are faced with the dilemma of gift-giving and gift-receiving respectively. Recent internet survey results show that on the one hand, most Chinese parents have experienced the mental struggle on whether expensive gifts or even cash would get special care for their children, while on the other hand, a majority of teachers expressed that it is a painful choice for them between accepting and declining a gift from parents. In order to prohibit the corruption of teachers, the education authorities establish strict regulations on the malpractice and take efforts to further improve the education system as a whole. These measures taken by the authorities are of great necessity and importance. Being a teacher is regarded as a lofty occupation in Chinese traditional culture, whereas it is contrary to the norms of ethics for teachers to accept parents’ gifts or money, thus giving "special treatment" to certain students consciously or unconsciously in return. Consequently, this professional misconduct will ruin the respectful image of teachers, impact negatively on the development of moral mentality in students, and eventually lead to the serious social problem of education inequity. Therefore, severe punishment and rigorous supervision system are required indeed to prevent the corruption of teachers. However, in spite of their effectiveness, a perfected education system, in essence, which allows no room for corruption will be the guarantee of a fair education environment. In addition, even though the key to the solution lies in the teachers, parents are also responsible for this issue. Thus it will contribute to alleviate the problem to enhance parents’ awareness of the social drawbacks triggered by gift-giving. In conclusion, teachers should decline the gifts of students’ parents and resist the temptation of corruption, which can be ensured by rigorous regulations and a sound education system. Furthermore, the cultivation of a harmonious education environment needs the shared efforts of teachers, parents, and the authorities.

解析         材料是一篇关于“禁止教师接受家长礼物”的新闻报道,可分为两部分:家长和教师对待送礼和收礼的态度;教育部门为消除教师受贿的不良风气而采取的措施。
        第一部分包括前三段,为了让孩子得到“特别关照”(special treatment)或者避免孩子受到歧视(being discriminated),每逢教师节前夕,家长都会有送礼给老师的困扰(haunted)。然而教师并不喜欢这样的礼物(do not enjoy the gifts),他们往往很难抉择(make a painful choice)。
        第二部分为后四段,分析了禁止教师收礼的原因及教育部门采取的措施。由于教师索来受到社会的尊重(in high esteem),学生送老师一份心意是可以理解和接受的(understandable and acceptable),但如果送礼别有用心则会玷污(soiled)师生关系。因此教育部采取措施严查家长和教师之间的商业化交易,但由于电子信息技术增加了审查难度,相关部门必须用更严格的举措(take stricter measures)全面改善教育体系。
