Scientists continue to find new ways to insert genes for specific traits into plant and animal DNA. A field of promise—and a sub

admin2016-09-27  41

问题 Scientists continue to find new ways to insert genes for specific traits into plant and animal DNA. A field of promise—and a subject of debate—genetic engineering is changing the food we eat and the world we live in.
Just what are genetically engineered foods, and who is eating them? What do we know about their benefits—and their risks? What effect might engineered plants have on the environment and on agricultural practices around the world? Can they help feed and preserve the health of the Earth’s burgeoning population?
In the past decade or so, the biotech plants that go into these processed foods have leaped from hothouse oddities to crops planted on a massive scale—on 130 million acres in 13 countries, among them Argentina, Canada, China, South Africa, Australia, Germany, and Spain. On U. S. farmland, acreage planted with genetically engineered crops jumped nearly 25-fold from 3. 6 million acres in 1996 to 88. 2 million acres in 2001. More than 50 different "designer" crops have passed through a federal review process, and about a hundred more are undergoing field trials. [Key Words]
burgeon v.迅速成长、迅速发展oddity n.奇异,古怪


答案 科学家们继续寻找新的办法,来把带有特异性状的基因嵌人植物和动物的DNA中。基因工程这个领域前景广阔但争议不断,不过它正在改变着我们食用的食物以及我们居住的这个世界。 基因工程食物是什么,谁又在食用?我们怎么知道它们有什么好处以及风险?基因工程植物对世界范围内的环境以及农业耕作方式有什么影响?它们能不能养活地球上日益增长的人口,对身体会不会有害? 在过去大约十年中,利用生物技术种植用于食品加工的粮食原来还是个怪象,但现在已剧增至大规模种植——13个国家的1.3亿亩土地,如阿根廷、加拿大、中国、南非、澳大利亚、德国以及西班牙。在美国,1996年有360万英亩土地种植基因工程作物,2001年飙升至8 820万英亩,增长了将近25倍。超过50种不同的“设计者”牌作物已经通过了联邦政府的审查,还有大约一百多种正在做田间试验。

