
admin2014-02-22  21

问题  你被邀请参加某个网球俱乐部。但因为你是新近搬到这个城市,又刚刚新买了房子,找到一份新工作。有这么多事情要做,你觉得自己可能没时间参加该俱乐部。感谢他们的邀请,可能你以后会考虑参加进去。


答案Dear Sir, I appreciate your inviting me to join the Tennis Club. I was a member of the Tennis Club a number of years ago but dropped out because it conflicts with my busy work. I have just moved to this town, bought a new house, and found a new job. With all this piling up on me, I don’t believe I could do my fair share as a participating member. I will keep your kind invitation in mind and hope to join you at a later date. Thank you for asking me. Yours sincerely, ×××

解析 * 收信人称谓,其后用逗号。
* 首先表明对邀请的感谢以及离开俱乐部的原因。
* 信的正文,写清事情的前因后果,此处按中文提示写即可。
* 表示愿意再次加入的愿望。
* 谦称,末尾加逗号。
* 签名,根据要求签名,通常不允许签写自己的名字。
