
admin2019-04-11  73

问题     今年初,我曾经讲过,今年恐怕是中国经济最为困难的一年。我国遭受了严重的雨雪冰冻灾害和特大地震灾害,又面临国内外复杂多变的环境。我们克服重重困难,保持了经济平稳较快发展的态势。上半年国内生产总值同比增长10.4%;农业发展势头良好,夏粮连续五年增产;投资、消费、出口三大需求增长趋向均衡,经济发展协调性增强;产业结构调整加快,节能减排取得明显成效,财政收入和企业利润保持较快增长,发展质量和效益进一步提高;城镇就业持续增加,城乡居民收入继续提高;近几个月来,居民消费价格指数涨幅逐月回落。总的看来,中国经济发展的基本面没有改变,正朝着宏观调控的预期方向发展。


答案As I said earlier in the year, 2008 could be the most difficult year for China’ s economy. We experienced heavy snow and sleet storms and the devastating earthquake and faced a complex and changing situation both at home and abroad. Yet, we have overcome difficulties one after another and maintained the momentum of steady and fast economic growth. In the first six months, the GDP grew by 10. 4% over the corresponding period of last year. Agriculture has enjoyed good development and summer crops have registered five consecutive years of increase. The demands for investment, consumption and export are growing in a more balanced way, and there is better coordination in economic development. With accelerated adjustment in the industrial structure, marked progress in energy conservation and emission reduction, and fairly rapid increase in fiscal revenue and business profits, the quality and efficiency of development have been further enhanced. More jobs have been created in urban areas, and urban and rural income continues to grow. The consumer price index has been coming down in recent months. In short, the economic fundamentals in China remain unchanged and the e-conomy is moving in the direction envisaged in the macro-economic control policy.

