A、The job is admirable. B、The job is challenging. C、He is very well-paid. D、He can meet all kinds of people. D

admin2010-07-19  32

Interviewer: What do you like about this job, I mean why, apart from earning a salary, why do you do it?
Julian Pacey: I do it because I enjoy it; I think is the easiest.., that sounds terribly smug but I do enjoy it.
Interviewer: What do you like about it, I mean what particular...?
Julian Pacey: The variety, the people you meet...
Interviewer: What sort of people do you meet?
Julian Paeey: Erm... people from all walks of life. Erm... we... I... I... dealt with... erin.., about six months ago with a psychoanalyst who had.., erm.., just had a marriage break up and was sort of consulting me for her problems, which I thought was quite amusing. Erm... I well remember an Indian gentleman that.., er... that I dealt with who had just come over to the country. Exceedingly nice chap, wanted to buy a house, filled in the mortgage application and.., erm... I... I was just glancing through it before I sent it to the building society, and there was.., there was a question that said size of family. And there was himself, his wife and there were I think three ... three children he had.  He had however misconstrued this and.., erm.., he measured up the height all of his family and totaled it up, and we had the size of his family as being seventy-five foot six and a half inches.
Interviewer: I see. Have you had any particularly difficult customers?
Julian Pacey: We once had a gentleman who was a very keen gardener, and.., er... I sold him a house which was nothing exceptional, it wasn’t a particularly. nice house, in fact it was rather ugly but it did have a very big garden. And... er... which was about.., er... it was just absolutely bare, there was nothing there at all. And these houses had previously been owned by the Atomic Weapons Research Establishment or Atomic Energy Research Establishment and there had been a sort of professor, a sort of coffin character who had previously lived there. Anyway, I took the chap over the house and he looked at it and he said yes, an offer was duly made and accepted, the sale went through. And about.., er... I suppose two or three months later he came in with a test tube in his hand, and.., er... it turned out that he had sort of grandiose schemes of... em... planting and transforming this wilderness into a prize garden. And... er... he spent a small fortune on sort of laying down lawn and various plants and bedding plants and rose bushes and what you have, which had all wilted and died. And in sheer desperation he went to one of the local gardening centers and they said well I’m not surprised nothing grows in... in... this.., this soil shows a large concentration of nitric acid, or sulfuric acid or something. Erm... and it turned out that the previous owner had been.., erm.., got at by a lot of his neighbors because the.., the grass was very high and he did nothing to his garden.  And in sheer desperation one day he bought a flamethrower.., erm.., burned the whole lot down and then sprayed it with concentrated sulfuric acid or nitric acid or whatever it was.
Interviewer: Did your purchaser think he’d been cheated then?
Julian Pacey: Well my purchaser thought he’d been cheated.., er... as I explained to him, that there was.., erm.., er... you know, there was no way I was to know that.., er... this had been done, and.., er... I certainly don’t do a soil test every time I put a house on the market. 1 felt very sorry for him, but.., erm.., erm.., in the end he... er... he had all the top soil removed and some more put down. But very unfortunate.., erm.., very unfortunate indeed.

选项 A、The job is admirable.
B、The job is challenging.
C、He is very well-paid.
D、He can meet all kinds of people.


