有一首歌唱得好:“时间都去哪儿了,还没好好感受年轻就老了……时间都去哪儿了,还没好好看看你眼睛就花了。”时间过得很快,在现代生活节奏不断加快的潮流下,我们应如何规划时间,让工作更高效呢?请以“How to Be Productive in Work”为题,

admin2016-11-13  39

问题 有一首歌唱得好:“时间都去哪儿了,还没好好感受年轻就老了……时间都去哪儿了,还没好好看看你眼睛就花了。”时间过得很快,在现代生活节奏不断加快的潮流下,我们应如何规划时间,让工作更高效呢?请以“How to Be Productive in Work”为题,写一篇英语短文。


答案 How to Be Productive in Work There is a Chinese saying goes that time and tide wait for no man. With the fast pace of the modern society, we’d better make a good plan to let everything go in order and be more productive. As for me, to begin with, I’ll create a list to notice me what I will do in a day. If there is one thing hanging over my head and makes me worried, !’ll work on it first. Then, just do those small things in a good mood and cross them off the list. All work and no play make people dull, so I will take a small break, enjoy music, or drink a cup of coffee when I feel tired. Finally, when everything on the list has been done towards the end of the day , 1’ll have a rough idea of things I need to do tomorrow, then I go ahead and list them as usual. In a word, I believe that it is a good habit to make lists, which will help you to work clearly and effectively in your work.

