
admin2017-03-06  79

问题     中国结是一种汉族特有的手工编织工艺品,它身上所显示的情致与智慧正是汉族古老文明中的一个侧面。周朝人随身佩戴的玉佩常以中国结为装饰,而战国时代的铜器上也有中国结的图案,至清朝中国结才真正传于民间的艺术。当代多用来装饰室内、作亲友间的馈赠礼物及个人的随身饰物。因为其外观对称精致,可以代表汉族悠久的历史,符合中国传统装饰的习俗和审美观念,故命名为中国结。中国结代表着团结幸福平安,深受大众的喜爱。


答案 Chinese knot is a special hand-weaved craft of the Han nationality. The temperament and wit it embodies is one part of the time-honored civilization of the Han nationality. In the Qing dynasty, the jade people wore were often decorated with Chinese knots; in the Warring States Period, the patterns of Chinese knots could be seen on the bronzes; it was not until the Qing dynasty that Chinese knots finally spread into the folk arts. At the present age, Chinese knots are mostly used as interior ornaments, gifts to relatives and personal accessories. Due to the symmetry and delicacy of its appearance, its identity as a representative of the long history of the Han nationality, and its accordance with the customs and aesthetic ideas of Chinese traditional decoration, it was named Chinese knot. Representing unity, happiness and soundness, it is deeply loved by the people.

