
admin2018-07-29  45

问题     陕西菜虽然没有名列全国的八大菜系之一,但作为千年古都、历史名城,餐饮风格自成一体,具有浓郁的地方特色。陕西饮食,凭借着历史古都的优势,挖掘继承历代宫廷美食之技艺,博采全国各地之精华,以品种繁多、地方风味各异、古色古香古韵而著称。至今很多都保留周、秦、汉、唐等十多个王朝的遗风。比如,关中石子馍就保留先民的石烹遗风;家喻户晓的臊子面在唐代叫长命面,是皇亲国戚庆祝寿辰的寿面。最晚出现的柿子饼,算起来也有着400年的历史。特别是改革开放二十多年来,烹饪技术随科技腾飞而有了长足进步,涌现出数以百计的传统菜、创新菜。


答案 For more than a thousand years, ancient Chinese capital was located in Shaanxi province. Although Shaanxi cuisine is not included in the Eight Major Cuisines of China, it features a distinctive local style. Shaanxi cuisine, with its historical advantages, explores and inherits the techniques of the royal dishes, and learns widely from the best throughout the country, is known for its great varieties, different flavors and antique charms. It reflects hangovers from more than ten past dynasties, such as Zhou, Qin, Han and Tang. Take Shi Zi Mo for example, it’s a crispy pastry baked on hot cobbles which stems from the cooking of the ancestors, and the famous Saozi noodles, which are named as Changshou noodles in Tang dynasty, are specialties for birthday celebrations of the imperial household.

解析 1.画线部分第一句应分译成两句,先说明陕西的历史地位,再介绍陕菜的特色。翻译时要注意理解原句,陕西是中国的一个省份,古都指古代的首都,是一个城市,省份和城市这两个概念内涵外延不同,因此“千年古都”不能简单翻译成Shaanxi is the ancient capital city in China for more than a thousand years,此处应译为For more than a thousand years,ancient Chinese capital was located in Shaanxi province。“具有浓郁的地方特色”可翻译为it features a distinctive local style。
2.画线部分第二句中,“凭借”可翻译为with…,“博采……精华”可翻译为learns widely from the best…,“品种繁多”意思为饮食的种类多样,可翻译为great varieties,“古色古香古韵”可翻译为antique charms。
3.画线部分第三句中,“十多个王朝的遗风”可翻译为hangovers from more than ten past dynasties。
4.画线部分第四句中,“石子馍”的翻译可使用音译和意译相结合的方法,译为Shi Zi Mo,a crispy pastry baked on hot cobbles,“先民”可翻译为the ancestors,“皇亲国戚”可翻译为the imperial household。
