最近,北京雾霾(haze)天气增多,PM 2.5指数居高不下,空气质量越来越差。2013年,一种新型涂料产品问世,这种新涂料不仅节能环保,还将在应对城市雾霾中发挥重要作用。这种高科技涂料产品应用于占城市地表的建筑墙体,能有效控制和遏制城市雾霾。专家认为,研

admin2015-08-31  41

问题     最近,北京雾霾(haze)天气增多,PM 2.5指数居高不下,空气质量越来越差。2013年,一种新型涂料产品问世,这种新涂料不仅节能环保,还将在应对城市雾霾中发挥重要作用。这种高科技涂料产品应用于占城市地表的建筑墙体,能有效控制和遏制城市雾霾。专家认为,研发出这类高科技的环保产品很重要,但把这种高科技产品应用在驱散雾霾、让老百姓享受到蓝天白云才体现了其真正的价值。


答案 Recently, hazy weather in Beijing has been increasing and PM 2.5 has been staying at a high level. The air quality in Beijing is getting worse. A new type of paint came out in 2013. This type of paint not only is energy-saving and eco-friendly, but also will play an important role in coping with haze in urban areas. This high-tech paint can effectively control haze in urban areas by using it on the building walls in cities. The experts point out that the research and development of this kind of high-tech green products is undoubtedly important, and its application for dispersing haze and making blue sky available to people will show its real value.

