The Dead Sea, the lowest point on earth and the largest "Natural Spa" in the world, is also one of the world’s true natural wond

admin2014-02-15  34

问题     The Dead Sea, the lowest point on earth and the largest "Natural Spa" in the world, is also one of the world’s true natural wonders’ and a unique tourism destination. Starting with the Dead Sea itself, a one-of-a-kind body of water, 417 meters (1,373 ft.) below sea level with mineral-rich waters and mud flow with natural health and beautifying effect acclaimed globally.
    But that’s not all. Visitors to the Dead Sea come to a world of blue skies, year-round sunshine, magnificent natural landscape, and extraordinary touring options, such as thrilling encounters with history and exploration of the living desert.
    Recognized as a mini-universe with its own micro-climate, the Dead Sea is the saltiest and most mineral-laden body of water in the world. The unparalleled buoyancy and warmth of the water has everyone floating. And its health promoting thermo-mineral springs and world famous cosmetic black mud have been praised by visitors for millennia.


答案 死海是地球最低点以及世界上最大的“天然温泉”,同时它还是一个真正的世界自然奇观和独特的旅游胜地。先从死海本身说起,它拥有独一无二的水体,低于海平面417米(1373英尺),水和泥浆涌流,富含矿物质,是世界著名的天然保健和美容好去处。 但这还不是全部,游客来到死海就进入了全新的世界.这里天空湛蓝,一年四季阳光灿烂,自然景色极为壮观,可供选择的旅游项目也非常独特,如令人兴奋的遭遇历史和活沙漠探险活动。 作为一个拥有自己气候的小宇宙,死海是世界上含盐量最高、矿物质负载最丰富的水体,其浮力和水温举世无双,可以使任何人漂浮在水面上。死海富含矿物质的温泉有助于健康,举世闻名的黑泥有利于美容,这些几千年来一直为游客们所称道。

解析 1、本段介绍旅游胜地死海的自然风光和独有特色,信息翻译和功能操控是做好本篇翻译的关键所在。
2、英译汉中同位语较长时,可考虑译为独立小句,如第1段第1句的the lowest pointon earth and the largest“Natural Spa”in the world。
3、第2句的one-of-a-kind理解为unique,可译为“独一无二的”;with natural healthand beautifying effect acclaimed globally译为“是世界著名的天然保健和美容好去处”,其中增译“好去处”,进一步强化了上句的a unique tourism destination。
4、广告篇章中经常出现片断或短语句,以直接托出信息焦点,从而强化广告主题。例如第2句没有主句,现在分词短语starting with the Dead Sea itself直接引出对死海水体的介绍,翻译需从语境中作出推理,补充语言片断表层形式中并未出现但对篇章的解读具有重要意义的逻辑关联语(logical connectors):The Dead Sea is one of theworld’s true natural wonders and a unique tourism destination because,to beginwith,it has a one-of-a-kind body of water…。
5、第2段末句的blue skies…options为四个并列的偏正式短语,译文变换句式,用了四个并列的主谓结构,这样能简明清晰地传递信息。
6、第3段第1句是第2句的原因,故可译为一句话。warmth这里意为moderate heat,所以不宜直译为“温暖”,可译为“水温”或“温度”。
7、第3段末句将主语its health promoting thermo-mineral springs and world famous cosmetic black mud译为对仗的独立小句“富含矿物质的温泉有助于健康,举世闻名的黑泥有利于美容”,使译文一目了然,突出信息,吸引受众;millennia是millennium“一千年”的复数形式。
