There is one last question I must deal with in this chapter. Why should human beings be moral? Another way of putting the proble

admin2014-01-13  36

问题     There is one last question I must deal with in this chapter. Why should human beings be moral? Another way of putting the problem is as follows: Is there any clear foundation or basis for morality — can any reasons be found for human beings to be good and do right acts rather than be bad and do wrong acts?

    All of the arguments put forth are compelling and valid to some extent, provided that free questioning of the moral prescriptions that they have established or that they support is allowed and encouraged. I have already pointed out some of the difficulties associated with establishing a religious basis for morality, but problems exist with the other two arguments as well. 【T1】The self-interest argument can be a problem when other interests conflict with it: often it is difficult to convince someone who sees obvious benefits in acting immorally in a particular situation that it is in his or her self-interest to do otherwise. Morality established by tradition and law is problematic because it is difficult both to change and to question successfully. This lack of questioning sometimes encourages blind obedience the immoral practices. It encourages the belief that because something has been done a certain way for hundreds of years, it must be right.
     【T2】Are there any other reasons we can give as to why human beings should be moral? If we examine human nature as empirically and rationally as we can, we discover that all human beings have many needs, desires, goals, and objectives in common. For example, people generally seem to need friendship, love, happiness, freedom, peace, creativity, and stability in their lives, not only for themselves but for others, too. 【T3】It doesn’t take much further examination to discover that in order to satisfy these needs, people must establish and follow moral principles that encourage them to cooperate with one another and that free them from fear that they will lose their lives, be mutilated, or be stolen from, lied to. cheated, severely restricted, or imprisoned.
    It is my contention, then, that morality has come about because of human needs and through a recognition of the importance of living together in a co-operative and significant way. I am not trying to suggest that all human beings can be convinced that they should be moral, or even that it will always be in each individual’s self-interest to be moral I do believe, however, that the question "Why should human beings be moral" generally can best be answered by the statement that adhering to moral principles enables human beings to live their lives as peacefully, happily, creatively, and meaningfully as is possible.
    Also, as I mentioned when discussing law and morality, there has been a marked increase in the teaching of ethics in law schools. The same types of courses have been established at medical schools, and there has been an increase in bioethics and other ethics committees in hospitals and various businesses. For example, James O’Toole has been conducting values-based leadership seminars for CEOs and other managers in business. One might ask, "Does this mean that we are becoming more ethical, or that we will be, as these ethics begin to filter down to the general populace? " Certainly it is admirable that so many— even politicians — are interested in values and in improving the ethical lire in America. My major concern is with how superficial all of this is, especially as it comes from politicians trying to get elected. I don’t doubt that some of these politicians are sincere, but sometimes I wonder whose values they wish to impose, and also I wonder how much training any of these people have had in ethics.
    【T4】Yet regardless of how popular, superficially or not, ethics may become, it certainly should be the most important aspect of your life. After all, what could be more important than learning how to live more ethically and improving the quality of your life and the lives of others around you? As Albert Einstein said, "The most important human endeavor is the striving for morality in our actions. Our inner balance and even our very existence depend on it. Only morality in our actions can give beauty and dignity to life."
    【T5】Morality deals basically with humans and how they relate to other beings, both human and nonhuman. It deals with how humans treat other beings so as to promote mutual welfare, growth, creativity, and meaning and to strive for what is good over what is bad and what is right over what is wrong.



