
admin2015-04-28  32

问题 端午节是纪念战国时期楚国爱国诗人屈原的节日。诗人屈原因为无法阻止楚国被秦国灭亡,他在农历的五月初五于当今的湖南省汨罗江跳江自尽。传说屈原死后,当地村民坐船出江寻找他的尸体,但是一无所获。自此以后,每年农历的五月初五,人们都会坐船到江上,把盛栽着米饭的竹筒放入水中来拜祭他。今天,人们每逢这个节日都会吃粽子和举行龙舟比赛来纪念屈原。


答案 It is generally believed that the Dragon Boat Festival originated to honour the memory of the patriotic poet Qu Yuan, who lived in the State of Chu during the Warring States Period. In despair at not being able to halt the capital of Chu’s falling to the state of Qin, he drowned himself in the Miluo River in modern Hunan Province on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month. Legend has it that after Qu Yuan’s death people living on the banks of the river went out in their boats to try to find his body. Every year thereafter, people would remember this day by rowing their boats out onto their local river, throwing sections of bamboo filled with rice into the water as offering to him. Today, the memory of Qu Yuan lives on, rice dumplings remain traditional and dragon boat races are held.

