贴春联(Spring Festival couplets) 是中国人欢度春节的一个重要习俗。春联由一对诗句和四字横批(horizontal scroll) 组成,诗句和横批用金色或黑色写在红纸上,红色代表幸运,金色代表财富。春联贴在大门左右两侧和门框上方。

admin2022-10-29  21

问题 贴春联(Spring Festival couplets) 是中国人欢度春节的一个重要习俗。春联由一对诗句和四字横批(horizontal scroll) 组成,诗句和横批用金色或黑色写在红纸上,红色代表幸运,金色代表财富。春联贴在大门左右两侧和门框上方。春联的诗句体现中国传统诗词的特点,两句诗的字数相同、内容相关。横批凸显春联的主题,更是锦上添花。春联以简洁的文字描绘生动的形象,抒发美好的愿望。


答案Pasting Spring Festival couplets is an important custom for Chinese people to celebrate the Spring Festival. The couplets consist of a pair of poetry lines and a four-character horizontal scroll, which are written in gold or black on red paper, with red representing luck and gold symbolizing wealth. Spring Festival couplets are pasted on the left and right sides of the front door and above the doorframe. The lines of the Spring Festival couplets reflect the characteristics of traditional Chinese poetry, with the two lines having the same number of words and related content. The horizontal scroll highlights the theme of Spring Festival couplets, which is the icing on the cake. Spring Festival couplets depict vivid images in simple words and express good wishes. When every family sticks Spring Festival couplets, people will realize that the Spring Festival has officially begun.

解析 1. 第一句:在本句中,“中国人欢度春节的”充当定语,里面有动作,翻译时可以处理为含有不定式短语的介词短语,for Chinese people to celebrate the Spring Festival;“一个重要习俗”翻译成an important custom。
2. 第二句:本句主干是“春联由一对诗句和四字横批组成”,翻译成The couplets consist of a pair of poetry lines and a four-character horizontal scroll;“诗句和横批用金色或黑色写在红纸上”是补充说明性的内容,可翻译成非限制性定语从句,即which are written in gold or black On red paper;“红色代表幸运,金色代表财富”又补充说明该定语从句,可翻译成with复合结构,即with red representing luck and gold symbolizing wealth,充当该定语从句的状语。
3. 第三句:本句汉语表达为主动句,但其实暗含着被动的意味,即“春联被贴……”,故翻译成英文时,应采用被动语态的句式,即Spring Festival couplets are pasted…;“在大门左右两侧”翻译为on the left and right sides of the from door;“门框上方”翻译为above the doorframe。
4. 第四句:句子主干是“春联的诗句体现中国传统诗词的特点”,翻译成The lines of the Spring Festival couplets reflect the characteristics of traditional Chinese poetry;“两句诗的字数相同、内容相关”是补充说明性文字,可以翻译成with复合结构,即with the two lines having the same number of words and related content。
5. 第五句:主干“横批凸显春联的主题”翻译成The horizontal scroll highlights the theme of Spring Festival couplets;“更是锦上添花”是补充说明性内容,可翻译成非限制性定语从句。
6. 第六旬:“以简洁的文字描绘生动的形象”翻译为depict vivid images in simple words;“抒发美好的愿望”与前面内容并列,翻译为express good wishes。
7. 第七句:本句应翻译成含有时间状语从句的主从复合句。“当家家户户贴春联时”翻译为When every family sticks Spring Festival couplets;主句中“拉开序幕”是翻译难点,这是一种形象的表达方式,需要我们转换为直白的语言,“拉开序幕”即表示“开始”,故主句翻译为people will realize that the Spring Festival has officially begun。
