The colorization of black-and-white films by computers is defended by those who own the film rights, for the process can mean in

admin2018-11-30  22

问题 The colorization of black-and-white films by computers is defended by those who own the film rights, for the process can mean increased revenues; for them; many others in the film industry, however, contend that the technique degrades major works of art, which they liken to putting lipstick on a Greek statue.

选项 A、which they liken to putting lipstick on a Greek statue
B、which they liken to a Greek statue with lipstick put on it
C、which they liken to lipstick put on a Greek statue
D、likening it to a Greek statue with lipstick put on it
E、likening it to putting lipstick on a Greek statue


解析 在A、B、C中which均指代major works of art,把其代入,就会发现A1和A2并不存在相似性进行类比。如A中:A1为major works,为一物体;而A2putting lipstick是一动名词短语,强调动作。C中:A1为major works,A2为lipstick;考生不禁会问:艺术品怎么会像口红呢?改变了句意;而D、E中用现在分词likening表伴随结果,从语法分析,此结构是可以接受的。其中it指the technique,也就是首句的主语:the colorization of black-and-white filmsby computers。把此指代代回D、E中,D中:A1为the colorization;A2为a Greek statue,两者同样没有相似处,因为A1是一过程——彩色化,而A2为一事物;B、E进行对比,B中:A1为major works,而A2为a Greek statue,从表面上看似乎是有可比性的;而E中:A1为thecolorization of black—and—while films,A2为putting lipstick on a Greek statue。如果选B,并不能看出“主要的艺术作品”和“被涂有口红的一座古希腊雕像”有何明确的相似处以致可以被用来作为类比的对象?而E选项的出现,使考生恍然大悟。 “使黑白电影彩色化”当然是能够被比作为“给一座古希腊雕像涂口红”,因为它们部是degrades major works of art。
