近十年来出现了一个令人深思的现象,人们越来越关注中国传统文化,书架上摆满了诠释中国古老智慧、讲述中华灿烂历史和传奇人物的书籍。有人甚至建议将国学典籍(Chinese classics)列为学校必修课程。人们对中国传统文化兴趣高涨的原因可能有两个方面。首

admin2021-05-28  61

问题   近十年来出现了一个令人深思的现象,人们越来越关注中国传统文化,书架上摆满了诠释中国古老智慧、讲述中华灿烂历史和传奇人物的书籍。有人甚至建议将国学典籍(Chinese classics)列为学校必修课程。人们对中国传统文化兴趣高涨的原因可能有两个方面。首先,人们逐渐意识到,古老的中华文化是一座取之不尽的金矿,从中可以发掘出很多经验教训以应用到现在的实践中。再者,尽管西方文化在全球占据主导地位,但是我们的民族文化自豪感明显增强了。


答案  The last decade has witnessed a thought-provoking phenomenon that people are paying more and more attention to traditional Chinese culture, with their bookshelves piled with books interpreting ancient Chinese wisdom and depicting China’s brilliant history and legendary figures. Some people have even made the suggestion that Chinese classics be listed as a compulsory course in the school. Two factors may account for the upsurge of interest in traditional Chinese culture. To begin with, people gradually realize that ancient Chinese culture serves as a gold mine from which inexhaustible lessons can be learned and put into today’s practice. Furthermore, despite the global dominance of Western culture, our ethnic cultural pride has significantly increased.

