A、His promise. B、The price of his product. C、His business strategy. D、The quality of his product. D对话中女士问男士有没有令客户信服,男士回答说客户们对我们的

admin2019-04-03  37

W: So how did the meeting go? Did you manage to convince your customers?
M: Well, it’s touch and go, I reckon. They seemed quite impressed with what we can offer. The product itself, and the production dates we gave them.
W: Well, that sounds promising. You don’t sound very optimistic, though.
Question: What seemed to have impressed the man’s customers?

选项 A、His promise.
B、The price of his product.
C、His business strategy.
D、The quality of his product.


解析 对话中女士问男士有没有令客户信服,男士回答说客户们对我们的产品本身印象深刻。说明是产品的质量使客户印象深刻。
