A、To introduce teachers to students. B、To show a colorful campus life. C、To teach students new knowledge. D、To let students to g

admin2021-11-26  37

M: Excuse me. May I have some information about the reception party that you are advertising outside? It’s for new students, isn’t that right?
W: That’s right and what would you like to know about it?
M: Well, I’m not really sure what the purpose of the event is.
W: [5] The party will provide students with a chance to get to know each other, and a chance for students who have successfully been through university to pass on some valuable advice.
M: [6] Who’s organizing the event? Is it the faculty or…?
W: Actually, [6] it is the Alumni Association. So, It’s strictly a student-to-student event.
M: I hope we won’t have to sit through a lot of boring speeches. I mean, aren’t these students just "brains" anyway? What can they actually do to help a guy like me?
W: No, [7] these people are not "brains" at all The Alumni are simply a group of normal, but grateful students who hope that, by sharing their experiences with new students, they can help more students to successfully graduate.
M: But will we have any time for some fun at this party?
W: Most of the time will be split between eating, dancing, and singing—so not to worry. However, some words of wisdom from the former students should not be missed.
M: You’ve got a point. Those are, after all, success stories if they’ve managed to survive university life. I hear about only half of all students who start university actually finish it.
W: And besides that, there’s another reason to go.
M: What’s that?
W: [8] The pie they’ll be serving is delicious. I know it since I’m the one who will be making it.
5. What is the purpose of the reception party?
6. Who is organizing the event?
7. What does the woman say about the event organizers?
8. What can be inferred about the woman’s role in the party?

选项 A、To introduce teachers to students.
B、To show a colorful campus life.
C、To teach students new knowledge.
D、To let students to get to know each other.


解析 选项均是不定式短语,可推测题目问目的或原因。录音中,男士说他不太确定这个活动的目的是什么,女士说这个晚会将会给学生提供去认识彼此的机会,也给顺利度过大学生活的学生一个传授一些有价值的建议的机会,D是录音中提到的目的之一,故选D。
