Listen to the following passage. Write in English a short summary of around 150 words of what you have heard on the ANSWER SHEET

admin2017-02-22  29

问题 Listen to the following passage. Write in English a short summary of around 150 words of what you have heard on the ANSWER SHEET. This part of the test carries 30 points. You will hear the passage only once. At the end of the recording, you will have 25 minutes to finish this part.
You may need to scribble a few notes to write your summary.


答案 Both Oxford and Cambridge are historic cities, with a world-famous university. One of the unique features of the university is its college system. The college system at Oxford and Cambridge is unlike that of any other university in Britain or America. In order to enter the university, a student must first apply to a college and become a member of the university through the college. At Oxford and Cambridge, the university is like a loose federation of faculties, colleges and other academic and research institutions. The university arranges the courses, the lectures, and the examinations, and awards the degrees. The colleges, on the other hand, have responsibility for selecting, admitting and accommodating all undergraduate students, and a student cannot enter the university unless he or she also becomes a member of a college. However, the university lays down the admission qualifications for undergraduate students, and also has certain controls over the status of the individual colleges. The colleges at Oxford and Cambridge are not connected with any particular study and are governed by twenty to fifty ’Fellows’. Each Fellow of a college is a ’tutor’ who is a member of the teaching staff. He teaches his own subject to those students in his college who are studying it, and is responsible for their progress. Most tutors give one or two lectures a week and those lectures may be attended by students from any college of the university. No lectures are compulsory and tutors usually advise their students which lectures they should go to. At Oxford and Cambridge, each college has its own completely separate living quarters, its own dining hall, its own sports and social facilities and even its own chapel. Cambridge has three women’s colleges and Oxford has five women’s colleges. Today, the colleges are mainly concerned with the teaching of their undergraduates and the academic support of both graduate and undergraduate students. The colleges also sponsor and assist outstanding scholars and research workers. The role of the university has greatly expanded through the provision of facilities, such as the university library, the teaching and research laboratories. The university may also employ professors, readers, lecturers and other teaching and administrative staff who would provide the formal teaching, such as lectures, seminars and practical classes. The colleges may supplement their teaching with supervisions, given by Fellows or other staff members appointed by the college, and each college also provides library, and other learning resources exclusively for its own members. Apart from Oxford University and Cambridge University, the University of London could also be called a kind of federation of colleges, but the system is entirely different. The largest of the London colleges are like universities in themselves, since there are many different faculties and departments in the colleges. Other colleges, academic institutions or bodies specialise in certain subjects, for example, the London School of Economics and Political Science or the Imperial College of Science and Technology. All the colleges arrange their own lectures and classes, but again, it is the university that organizes the examinations and awards degrees. Both Oxford and Cambridge are historic cities, with a world-famous university. One of the unique features of the university is its college system. The. college system at Oxford and Cambridge is unlike that of any other university in Britain or America. In order to enter the university, a student must first apply to a college and become a member of the university through the college. At Oxford and Cambridge, the university is like a loose federation of faculties, colleges and other academic and research institutions. The university arranges the courses, the lectures, and the examinations, and awards the degrees. The colleges, on the other hand, have responsibility for selecting, admitting and accommodating all undergraduate students, and a student cannot enter the University unless he or she also becomes a member of a College. However, the University lays down ’the admission qualifications for undergraduate students, and also has certain controls over the status of the individual colleges. The colleges at Oxford and Cambridge are not connected with any particular study and are governed by twenty to fifty Fellows’. Each Fellow of a college is a tutor’ who is a member of the teaching staff. He teaches his own subject to those students in his college who are studying it, and is responsible for their progress. Most tutors give one or two lectures a week and those lectures may be attended by students from any college of the university. No lectures are compulsory and tutors usually advise their students which lectures they should go to. At Oxford and Cambridge, each college has its own completely separate living quarters, its own dining hall, its own sports and social facilities and even its own chapel. Cambridge has three women’s colleges and Oxford has five women’s colleges. Today, the Colleges are mainly concerned with the teaching of their undergraduates and the academic support of both graduate and undergraduate students. The colleges also sponsor and assist outstanding scholars and research workers. The role of the University has greatly expanded through the provision of facilities, such as the university library, the teaching and research laboratories. The University may also employ Professors, Readers, Lecturers and other teaching and administrative staff who would provide the formal teaching, such as lectures, seminars and practical classes. The Colleges may supplement their teaching with supervisions, given by Fellows or other staff members appointed by the College, and each College also provides library and other learning resources exclusively for its own members. Apart from Oxford University and Cambridge University, the University of London could also be called a kind of federation of colleges, but the system is entirely different. The largest of the London colleges are like universities in themselves, since there are many different faculties and departments in the colleges. Other colleges, academic institutions or bodies specialize in certain subjects, for example, the London School of Economics and Political Science or the Imperial College of Science and Technology. All the colleges arrange their own lectures and classes, but again, it is the university that organizes the examinations and awards degrees.

解析     在写综述时,应特别注意文章的开头段落和结尾段落,在每个段落中,要特别注意主题句,即开头句和结尾句。要抓住文章的逻辑发展关系,了解文章的结构,并注意连词的使用。同时在听的过程中,做好笔记。
    1.The college system at Oxford and Cambridge is unlike that of any other university in Britain or America.
    [分析] 本句点明全文主题,确定文章写作的方向,因此是框架性结构。
    2.At Oxford and Cambridge,the university is like a loose federation of faculties,colleges and other academic and research institutions.
    [分析] 本句高度概括介绍两所大学的特点,是文章的重要内容,因此是框架性结构。
    3.Today,the role of the university has greatly expanded through the provision of facilities,such as the university library,the teaching and research laboratories.
    [分析] 信号词Today表明全文结构是将牛津和剑桥的大学与学院职能作比,因此本句内容是文章后半部分的重点之一,由此可见本句是框架性结构。
    4.The university may also employ professors,readers,lecturers and other teaching and administrative staff who would provide the formal teaching such as lectures,seminars and practical classes.
    [分析] 本句紧接上句,功能与其相仿,意义是对上句的补充和完善,是框架性内容。
    1.In order to enter the university,a student must first apply to a college and become a member of the university through the college.
    [分析] 本句是该段中心句的具体阐述,以举例方式支持中心句,可使综述更具有说服力。
    2.The university arranges the courses,the lectures,and the examinations,and awards the degrees.The colleges,on the other hand,have responsibility for selecting,admitting and accommodating all undergraduate students.
    [分析] 本文重点将牛津和剑桥大学与学院的职能比较。通过信号词on the other hand,可判断这句话将大学和学院的职责具体比较,因此本句是重要的支持性细节。
    3.However,the university lays down the admission qualifications for undergraduate students,and also has certain controls over the status of the individual colleges.
    [分析] 本句位于段落尾,衔接全文主要内容,因此本句是重要的支持性细节。
4.The colleges are governed by twenty to fifty‘Fellows’.
    [分析] 本句位于段落首,点明全段主题,因此本句是重要的支持性细节。
5.Each Fellow teaches his own subject to those students in his college who are studying it,and is responsible for their progress.
    [分析] 本句承接段首主题句,对主题内容作进一步解释、说明,是中心句的深化和具体化,因此本句是重要的支持性细节。
6.The colleges may supplement their teaching with supervisions,given by Fellows of others staff members.
    [分析] 该句谈论了学院职责,进一步全方位多角度地丰满了全文主要议题,因此本句是重要的支持性细节。
7.Each college also provides library and other learning resources exclusively for its own members.
    [分析] 本句从另一角度具体深化了全文主要议题,是重要的支持性细节。
