What is the difference between Joe Six-Pack, Joe the Plumber and Joe Biden? One is vice president; the other two are not. Why? T

admin2022-10-05  30

问题     What is the difference between Joe Six-Pack, Joe the Plumber and Joe Biden? One is vice president; the other two are not. Why? The answer depends on a host of interactive variables that must be factored into any equation of success: genes, parents, brothers and sisters, peers, teachers, practice, drive, culture, timing, legacy and luck. The rub for the scientist is determining the percentage of influence of each variable and its interactions, which requires sophisticated statistical models.
    Journalists, who are unrestricted by research terms, very quickly produce large quantities of self-help books that focus on select variables that interest them. Few do so better than Malcolm Gladwell, and in his book Outliers: The Story of Success, the New Yorker writer claims that successful people are not "self-made" but instead "are invariably the beneficiaries of hidden advantages and extraordinary opportunities and cultural legacies that allow them to learn and work hard and make sense of the world in ways others cannot."
    Bill Gates, for example, may be smart, but Gladwell prefers to emphasize the fact that Gates’s wealthy parents sent him to a private school that had a computer club with a teletype time-sharing terminal with a direct link to a mainframe computer in Seattle, and in 1968 this was very unusual. His good fortune to be born in the mid-1950s also meant that Gates came of age when the computer industry was ready to have someone of his experience start a software company.
    Similarly, Gladwell says, Mozart’s father was a composer who mentored the young Wolfgang into greatness from age six until his early 20s, when his compositions changed from pleasantly melodious into masterful. The Beatles’ lucky break came in Hamburg, Germany, where they were able to log in more than 1,200 live performances and thereby meet the well-known 10,000-hour rule for perfecting a profession. Asian wonder children are the product of "the tradition of wet-rice agriculture" that must be practiced year-round and that requires "the highest emphasis on effort and hard work," and that’s why they study all summer while American students go to the mall.
    Such geniuses, Gladwell says, "are products of history and community, of opportunity and legacy. Their success is not exceptional or mysterious. It is grounded in a web of advantages and inheritances, some deserved, some not, some earned, some just plain lucky but all critical to making them who they are."
By asking two questions at the beginning of the text, the author intends to ________.

选项 A、show different achievements of different Joes
B、introduce the contributory factors of success
C、introduce a study on determinants of success
D、discuss the difficulty of success for the ordinary


解析 根据题干关键词beginning of the text. 定位到第一段。两个问题即“乔六包、水管工乔和乔.拜登有什么不同?”和“为什么会有不同?”,这里关键语义落在后一句“Why? ”,探究造成这一情况的原因,以此引出促成成功的各种变量,B项的contributory factors“促成因素”对应本段第四句的The answer depends on…variables that must be factored into…success,这里的answer即是对why的回答,故B项为答案。A项是事实,这里的意图并不是展示不同的“乔”有不同的成就,而是通过这样不同的成就引出造成这一“不同”的因素。C项中的study“研究”下文并没有涉及,第二段首句的research terms指的只是第一段提到的变量。D项属于推理过度,本文是以成功人士为对象,对促成他们成功的因素进行分析探讨,并没有提及普通人获得成功的困难之处。
