我第一次读到莫言,是他的《红高粱》,大约是在20世纪80年代末。那时我想他应是上了年纪的作家,因为他知道那么多过去的故事,如抗日战争、辛亥革命、“文化大革命”等。后来见了面才知,他其实比我大不了多少。然而,他的经历和想象何以如此丰富? 我印象最深的,

admin2019-04-11  74

问题    我第一次读到莫言,是他的《红高粱》,大约是在20世纪80年代末。那时我想他应是上了年纪的作家,因为他知道那么多过去的故事,如抗日战争、辛亥革命、“文化大革命”等。后来见了面才知,他其实比我大不了多少。然而,他的经历和想象何以如此丰富?
                     ——Selected from English Language Learning(《英语学习》),2013


答案 The first Mo Yan novel that I read was Red Sorghum at the end of 1980s. I expected to meet a much more senior person, since his writings mostly involve in old stories happening in Anti-Japanese War, Revolution of 1911 (which overthrew the Qing Dynasty) and so on, but he actually turned out to a little bit older than me. The question is how could he have such rich experience and unbelievable imagination? I was amazed by his ability to tell a story and the peculiar way of his narration. Using ridicule and sarcasm, Mo Yan knows very well how to write unconventionally, philosophically as well as quite consistently. Taking a typical passage in his Red Sorghum as an example, "The autumn winds are rather chilly even on a perfect sunny day, while white clouds float in the tile-blue sky and cast full purple shadows onto the sorghum fields below. Teams of scarlet fighters shuttle among the sorghum stalks to interlace human network year after year, decade after decade. There were killings, plundering, loyal defense played out on the stage of life by these brave men who dwarfed us un-filial descendants occupying this land. Progress may have been made, but I do have a nagging sense of our species’ regression" .

