
admin2014-12-05  44

问题     长江是世界上第四大河。在那里现正在进行世界上最大的大坝——三峡大坝的建设。按照三峡大坝设计者的观点,大坝可以把洪水挡在新的大水库里,从而防止洪水对华中和华东地区的侵犯。大坝还可以为三分之一的中国人提供占全国总发电量九分之一的电能,这样,每年可节约五千万吨煤。但是大坝形成的新湖将把沿江的13座城市,140个县城,和无数的村庄淹没。大约一千二百万人口将不得不往高处搬家。那里土地肯定没有原来的肥沃。反对三峡工程的人还认为,湖水升高还会威胁到野生动植物的生存。由陡峭峡谷而闻名的三峡奇观将永远失去了。而且,万一地震,将会造成悲剧性的后果。


答案The Three Gorges Dam is now under construction on the Yangtze, the fourth largest river on the planet. According to the project’ s designers, the world’ s largest dam will help prevent flooding in central and eastern China by holding back flood water in a new reservoir. The dam could also provide one third of China’ s 1. 2 billion people with as many as one-ninth of needed electric power. saving 50 million tons of coal each year. But the new lake the dam creates will completely submerge 13 riverside cities, 140 large towns, and numerous small villages. Some 12 million people will have to relocate to less fertile areas on higher ground. Opponents to the project also contend that the rising water will threaten wildlife and permanently alter the spectacular Three Gorges, the steep-wall canyons for which the Gorges are named. Worse yet, an earthquake could strike Three Gorges with tragic consequences.

