Some people prefer to buy technological devices as soon as they are available to the public, while other people prefer to wait.

admin2022-06-28  46

问题 Some people prefer to buy technological devices as soon as they are available to the public, while other people prefer to wait. Which do you prefer and why? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. Be sure to use your own words. Do not use memorized examples.


答案 In this digitalized world, we are witnessing an ever-growing speed of upgrading technological devices. Some people like to buy the latest devices instantly. For example, news about people that queue up all night for the new Apple products always makes the headlines. However, personally, I prefer not to buy technological devices as soon as they are available but wait instead. I have a couple of considerations for my preference. To begin with, I am not very crazed with electronic gadgets and I am satisfied as long as the devices I have can meet my demand. For instance, I have been using an old MacBook Air for many years without intention to buy a new one, because it provides me with the functions necessary for my work and study. Buying new gadgets sometimes means that I have to get used to a new system and maybe some of the functions that I need are not even available anymore. Some people really enjoy using up-to-date products, but they are usually so expensive when launched that purchasing them may entail financial burdens. The prices will usually plummet after some time. Therefore, I normally buy technological devices long after they come out to save money. A further advantage of waiting is that I can learn more about the user experience and then decide whether the device is suitable for me by browsing through the articles of some bloggers who may even make videos to introduce the new device and analyze its pros and cons. It is a really common practice nowadays for people to catch up with the latest trend by buying the newest technological devices. However, it seems to me that people are very anxious about it because some people feel that they are missing out a lot if they do not act as everybody else does. From my point of view, this is not a healthy way of life, and not sustainable financially either if one keeps buying. After all, we all have already had quite a number of old gadgets in our drawers to deal with properly.

解析     第1段:主要是引出话题。并表明自己的观点。介绍大的背景,即电子产品更新换代快,很多人喜欢立即购买最新产品。给出一个具体的例子:人们彻夜排队购买苹果公司最新上市的产品,让文章更加生动,并更具说服力。给出自己的观点:选择等待。承前启后,引出下一段的主要内容,即喜欢等一段时间再购买的原因。
    第2段:具体分析自己选择等待的原因。提出第一个原因:设备能满足需求便可。提供自身的一个例子,使第一个原因更加具体,与自身相关。进一步补充说明,并且进行扣题,提到这是个人喜好的差别。提出另一个原因:刚上市的产品价格高昂,利用but提示读者这是另一个原因,并对这个原因进一步说明。提出第三个原因:了解更多的用户体验,连接的手段是A further advantage of doing…is that…,该句较长,提供了具体的例子来进行阐述。本段共提供了三个不同的原因。
