
admin2013-11-29  32

问题     长江三角洲位于我国东海之滨,万里长江尾闾。她西起南京、镇江,东临大海,北至通扬运河,南到杭州湾,面积35,267平方公里,是世界著名的大河三角洲之一。她具有以下几个特点:地理位置优越,是沟通内陆腹地的交通中心,并处于世界环球航线附近,与世界各大港口通航方便。自然条件优越,雨量充沛,温和湿润,适宜农耕和各种经济作物的种植以及多种经营的发展。水土资源条件优越。长江三角洲经历了复杂的海路沧桑之变。年长日久,一个个出露水面的沙岛继而合并而成。长江三角洲不仅有源源不断的长江水,而且镶嵌着一颗熠熠闪光的陆上明珠——太湖。太湖面积三万六千顷,是我国五大淡水湖之一。以太湖为中心,还有大小湖泊五十多个”,这些星罗棋布的湖泊,就像一把珍珠洒落在绿色的沃野上,使整个三角洲水土丰美,得天独厚,成为世界上不可多得的精粹之地。


答案 Positioned on the coast of the East China Sea and in the lower reaches of the mighty Changjiang River, the Changjiang Delta is one of the famous river deltas in the world. From Nanjing and Zhenjiang in the west to the shores of the East China Sea, from Tongyang Canal in the north to the Hangzhou Bay in the south, the delta covers an area of 35,267 square kilometers.The delta has an excellent geographical position: being a hub of transportation linking the coastal areas with interior hinterland of China, and possessing superb harbours, situated along the global shipping route, from which one can easily reach all the major ports of the world. It also enjoys climatic advantages. Adequate rainfall and a temperate, humid climate make it ideal for agriculture, the plantation of various cash crops and the development of a diversified economy. The delta also abounds in natural resources. It was formed by the gradual merging through the ages of various sandbars and alluvions at the mouth of the Changjiang River. Set in the delta like a glistening pearl is Lake Taihu, one of China’s five largest fresh water lakes. It covers an area of over 2,400 square kilometers and has more than fifty smaller lakes scattered around it like stars or chessmen. All these lakes, together with the fertile land in the area make the delta quite a find in the world.

解析     这段文字向人们介绍了长江三角洲得天独厚的地理位置以及她的一些特点。文中出现了几处典型的前置修饰语,翻译时,注意将其处理为符合英语习惯的后置修饰语。常用的方法有:介词短语、分词短语、形容词短语、不定式短语、定语从句、同位语等。
位于我国东海之滨,万里长江尾闾:译为“Positioned on the coast of the East China Sea and in the lower reaches of the mighty Changjiang River”,其中“mighty”表示“great;massive(伟大的;巨大的)”。例如,the mighty ocean(浩瀚的海洋)。
“Reach”表示“continuous extent,esp.of a river or canal,that can be seen between two bends or locks(连续不断的地区;河段)”;  “lower reaches”指“下游”。
东临大海:此处“大海”指“东海”,故译为“to the shores of the East China Sea”。
通扬运河:Tongyang Canal。
杭州湾:the Hangzhou Bay。
是沟通内陆腹地的交通中心:  “中心”前面有较长的修饰语,用。睫语短语置后修饰可以表达自然。  “沟通内陆腹地”指“连接内陆与沿海地区”,故译为“being a hub of transportation linking the coastal areas with interior hinterland of China”。
处于世界环球航线附近:从上下文看“处于世界环球航线附近”是修饰没有出现的“港口”,故译为“possessing superb harbours,situated along the global shipping route”。
雨量充沛,温和湿润:  “温和湿润”指的是气候,译为“Adequate rainfall and a temperate,humid climate”。
经济作物:cash crops。
水土资源条件优越:  “水土资源”即“自然资源”,译为“The delta also abounds in natural resources.”。
长江三角洲……合并而成:左分支结构往往会有头重脚轻的情况。而这种重量趋前的表达习惯,英语是不行的。相反它强调的是尾重原则,也就是说句子前面不能过重,句尾部分不能过短。因此无论是较长的定语还是状语,都应通过句子结构转换而后移。 “长江三角洲……合并而成”,汉语在主语和谓语之间可以插入许多东西,即使谓语处于句末。而英语认为这是破坏了句子的平衡,不是尾重,而是尾轻。因此,在翻译时,可以通过使用被动结构“It was formed by…”把当中较长的修饰成分放到后面。全句译为“It was formed by the gradual merging through the ages of various sandbars and alluvions at the mouth of the Changjiang River.”。其中“sandbar”指“沙洲”;“alluvion”指“沙洲;冲积地”。
镶嵌着一颗熠熠闪光的陆上明珠:译为“Set in the delta like a glistening pearl.”,其中“glisten”表示“(esp.of wet or polished surfaces,tear-filled eyes)shine brightly(闪耀;闪烁)”。
例如,glistening dew-drops晶莹的露珠/eyes glistening with tears(泪光闪闪的眼睛)。
淡水湖:fresh water lake。
以太湖为中心,还有大小湖泊五十多个:即“五十多个湖泊散落在太湖周围”,译为“has more than fifty smaller lakes scattered around it”。
成为世界上不可多得的精粹之地:译成“make…quite a find in the world”。
