When Life Loses Its Smell A trained sniffer dog can find hidden drugs or earthquake survivors and even detect cancer. We mig

admin2015-01-13  31



答案 When Life Loses Its Smell A trained sniffer dog can find hidden drugs or earthquake survivors and even detect cancer. We might not have as good a sense of smell as dogs, but we still follow our noses. Wake up and smell the coffee! Something smells fishy. She has a nose for a bargain. The English language is full of idioms to do with smell, and many of them show how important smell is to our sense of judgment. And that’s not surprising, because a sense of smell is very useful in telling when food is off, or clothes need washing, for example. But millions of people can’t smell anything at all: to use a medical term, they are "anosmic". It’s not only scents which are missing for people with anosmia. Food and drink lose their appeal too, because smell accounts for around 80% of our sense of flavor. Anosmia can also be dangerous. People with anosmia can get food poisoning, because they can’t smell when food is bad. They can’t smell smoke from a house fire, or leaking gas.

