What’s the engine that drives American business? Innovation? Sweat? Capital? Try coffee. From the shop floor to the boardroom, J

admin2022-11-05  41

问题     What’s the engine that drives American business? Innovation? Sweat? Capital? Try coffee. From the shop floor to the boardroom, Java—and I don’t mean the soft ware—fuels workers and shapes office culture. What’s more, a steaming cup of coffee may be as good for your health as it is for the bottom line.
    Many people take their coffee with a small dose of guilt, worried that it isn’t good for the body. That’s a misunderstanding from studies done in the 1950s and 1960s showing that coffee drinkers were prone to heart disease and other sufferings. These studies failed to account for cigarette smoking, which once went hand in cup with coffee drinking. Since then, the medical community has done a gradual turn on the health effects of coffee.
    Large, long-term studies show that coffee doesn’t promote cancer and may even protect against some types. It’s safe for the heart—so safe that the American Heart Association says it’s OK for heart attack survivors to have a cup or two a day even as they recover in the coronary care unit. Results from the long-running Health Professionals Follow-Up and Nurses’ Health studies show that drinking coffee cuts the risk of dying early from a heart attack or stroke.
    It’s possible that the bean improves productivity, too. A bit of caffeine wakes up millions of workers in the morning. Controlled laboratory experiments indicate that it causes feelings of well-being and increases energy, alertness, and motivation. Functional MRI scans show that coffee activates parts of the brain involved in short-term memory, the kind that helps focus attention on tasks at hand.
    For all that, a word of warning is in order. The average cup of coffee serves up about 100 milligrams of caffeine, and a large specialty coffee can deliver five times that much. If you aren’t used to caffeine, it can make you restless, boost your blood pressure, and dehydrate you. But the biggest health hazard is the extra stuff that drinkers add to coffee. Taken black, coffee is a nearly calorie-free beverage full of antioxidants and other vegetable nutrients. Add cream, sugar, fresh cream, and flavorings, and it turns into a fat- and calorie-laden dessert, which can add pounds that offset any possible health benefits. For most people, though, the health and social benefits of coffee outweigh the hazards, and the daily grind keeps American business spreading.
It can be inferred from Paragraph 1 that coffee ________.

选项 A、leads to the prosperity of US business
B、shapes office culture along with software
C、makes workers more innovative and efficient
D、is beneficial to both workers and companies


解析 根据题干定位到第一段。文章首句以问句形式激起读者的思考,从而引出咖啡的话题。其中第七句讲到咖啡既有利于你的身体健康,又能帮助企业盈利(as good…as…),D项的beneficial to both…and,与此意思相近,“(咖啡)对员工和企业都有利”是对原文语义的概括,故D项为正确答案。该段第一句问到“驱动美国经济前进的引擎是什么?”,作者在第五句用Try coffee给出了答案,A项是文中已有信息,不属于推理的范畴。B项中的along with software是不对的,文中第六句只是说咖啡孕育了办公室文化,而java只是与某软件的英文名相同罢了。C项中的innovative“富有创新精神的”这层意思文中没有,第一段第六句提到的fuel workers只表示咖啡使工人更有力量。
