
admin2022-04-23  65

问题     合理引导消费行为,形成文明生活方式。消费行为和生活方式看似小事,实则是全社会的大问题,每时每刻都会对资源环境产生直接影响,同时也会间接影响生产方式。我们每个人都要从自己做起,从一点一滴做起。一是树立健康的消费理念。持续开展资源短缺、环境脆弱的国情宣传和深度教育,强化全体国民的环保理念和生态意识,引导人们自觉节约每一滴水、每一度电、每一张纸、每一粒粮,在全社会形成节约光荣、浪费可耻的新风尚,使节约资源和保护环境成为13亿中国人的主流价值观。二是形成合理的消费行为。倡导绿色消费、集约消费,引导人们理性消费、科学消费,形成节俭办事、减少污染、有益健康的生活方式。加强城乡公共服务能力建设,运用价格手段调节引导居民绿色居住和出行,扩大节能、低碳、环保的绿色产品消费。执行强制性的节能标准,推进可再生能源、环保材料的广泛应用。加强绿色低碳社区建设,鼓励个人、家庭和单位遏制浪费现象和不文明行为。三是创造整洁的生活环境。大力扶持绿色交通,推广天然气、沼气、太阳能、风能等清洁能源,减少机动车尾气、工业排放和建筑扬尘,推行垃圾分类回收和循环利用,改造地下排污管网,提高危险废弃物集中处理能力,绿化、美化、净化生活环境。特别要加强农村环境治理,实施乡村清洁工程,推行“户集、村收、镇运、集中处理”的垃圾处理方式,深入实施秸秆禁烧和综合利用,建设“居住集中化、环境生态化、服务功能化”的农村新社区。


答案 We need to urge rational consumption habits in order to foster civilized lifestyles. Though consumption habits and lifestyles may appear to be trivial, they are in fact significant social issues, not only having a direct impact on resources and the environment at all times, but also having an indirect bearing on modes of production. Therefore, each and every one of us needs to make an effort in this regard, bearing in mind that every little thing counts. First, we need to establish sound consumer attitudes. By carrying out publicity and educational initiatives, we must ensure that China’s resource shortages and fragile environments are known to the people. This will help us to raise public awareness with regard to environmental protection and ecological issues. With that as a basis, we must urge the people to save every drop of water, every unit of electricity, every piece of paper and every grain of rice. By fostering a social atmosphere in which frugality is applauded and wastefulness is looked down upon, we will strive to make resource conservation and environmental protection a mainstream value for 1.3 billion Chinese people. Second, we need to develop rational consumer habits. Advocating green and resource-conserving modes of consumption, we must urge people to consume in a way that is both rational and scientific, so as to bring about healthy and frugal lifestyles that are conducive to the reduction of pollution. At the same time, we need to improve the capacity of urban and rural areas to provide public services, use price leverage to encourage people to adopt green life-styles and commuting in an environmentally friendly way, and boost the consumption of energy-conserving, low-carbon , and environmentally friendly products. Moreover, we need to enforce mandatory standards on energy saving, and promote the wide use of renewable energies and environmentally friendly materials. We also need to step up our efforts to develop green and low-carbon communities, and encourage individuals, households, and enterprises to curb waste and uncivilized behavior. Third, we need to create clean living environments. In order to make our living environments greener, cleaner, and more beautiful, we should engage in major efforts to support green transportation; widen the use of clean energy resources such as natural gas, methane, solar energy, and wind power; reduce vehicle exhaust emissions, industrial discharges, and wind-borne dust from construction sites; promote the sorting and recycling of garbage; convert the underground drain pipeline network; and strengthen the concentrated disposal of hazardous waste. A particular emphasis should be placed on the rectification of rural environments. We will carry out rural cleanup projects, and adopt a garbage disposal mode in which domestic waste is gathered on a per household basis, collected by village authorities, and transported by town level authorities for concentrated disposal. We will thoroughly implement the policy of for-biddig straw-burning and promote the comprehensive utilization of the straw. These efforts will allow us to create new rural communities characterized by centralized residence, sound ecological environments, and function-based public services.

