我国政府历来非常重视汽车工业的发展。自1949年中华人民共和国成立以来,为了将汽车工业发展成为民族工业,政府对其给予高度保护。然而,在诸多汽车企业中,上规模的并不多。20世纪80年代中期以来,在投资优惠政策(preferential policy)的鼓

admin2021-05-28  41

问题   我国政府历来非常重视汽车工业的发展。自1949年中华人民共和国成立以来,为了将汽车工业发展成为民族工业,政府对其给予高度保护。然而,在诸多汽车企业中,上规模的并不多。20世纪80年代中期以来,在投资优惠政策(preferential policy)的鼓励下,国际大型汽车制造企业纷纷在中国建立合资企业,这表明中国汽车工业前最广阔。中国加入WTO后,国内市场面临着巨大挑战。只有通过激烈竞争,中国的汽车工业才能发展壮大。


答案  The Chinese government places much emphasis on the development of auto industry all the time. Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1949, the government has granted the auto industry a high degree of protection in order to make it national industry. However, few of China’s numerous auto enterprises are of a large scale. Since the mid-1980s, spurred on by the preferential policies for investment, international auto-making giants have established joint ventures in China one after another, which indicates good prospects for China’s auto industry. After China’s entry into WTO, the domestic market faces huge challenges. It is only through fierce competition that China’s auto industry can develop.

