A、She has few shortcomings. B、Her frankness sometimes offends others. C、She is a champion of the underdog. D、She tends to be an

admin2017-03-07  35

M: Now, what about the other side. Tell me about areas where you think you could use some improvement.
W: Fortunately for me, I don’t think I have too many bad traits. I can be outspoken about something I truly believe in. I will stand for the underdog almost always to give everybody an equal opportunity.
M: Let’s talk for a moment about your current position in your company. Help me understand what is happening that is leading you to consider leaving your company.
W: I most recently worked for a company where I was a student loan consolidation counselor for federal loans. I was also a team leader. My company downsized and sold this department to another company in Florida. I would have definitely stayed with the company if the position was still there. My entire department was laid off, including my supervisor.
M: Since you mentioned the idea of leadership, tell me, what does that mean to you?
W: Being a leader is a very important role in any situation in life. You always want to demonstrate the best method to solve any situation. You want to always provide a great example. Being a good leader also means being able to give and take constructive criticism and praise.
M: That concludes our interview for today. What else, if anything, would you like to tell me about your experiences that I should consider when evaluating your transcript?
W: I would like you to know that I am very interested in the position as a customer service representative. If hired, I will be a great asset to the company because of my experience and my ability to learn a job and get it done efficiently.
M: When are you available to start in this position?
W: I am available to start work immediately. I was laid off of my last job due to downsizing on March 31, 2007. My severance pay and unemployment are running out and I am more than ready to get back to work
M: Thank you for your time today, Chris. I appreciate you providing this detailed portrait of your experiences. Your interview will be evaluated, and we will be in touch in the next few weeks.
6. What can we learn about Chris’ demerits?
7. Why did Chris decide to leave her current company?
8. According to Chris, what does a good leadership mean?
9. What can we learn from the interview?
10. When will Chris be able to start work if she is hired?

选项 A、She has few shortcomings.
B、Her frankness sometimes offends others.
C、She is a champion of the underdog.
D、She tends to be an opportunist.


解析 面试中考官在问完Chris的优势后紧接着提出了一个尖锐的问题,让Chris说说自己在哪些方面需要提高,其实就是问她有什么缺点。Chris首先提到,庆幸的是自己认为缺点不多(I don’t think I have too many bad traits),A项的表述与此相符,为答案。虽然Chris有提到outspoken、underdog以及opportunity.但说的并不是自己的坦率有时会冒犯他人、自己是弱者中的胜利者或者自己是机会主义者,因此B、C、D均不对。
