Biologically, there is only one quality which distinguishes us from animals: the ability to laugh. In a universe which appears t

admin2011-06-29  37

问题     Biologically, there is only one quality which distinguishes us from animals: the ability to laugh. In a universe which appears to be utterly devoid of humor, we enjoy this supreme luxury. And it is a luxury, for unlike any other bodily process, laughter does not seem serve a biologically useful purpose. In a divided world, a laughter is a unifying force. Human begins oppose each other on a great many issues. Nations may disagree about systems of government and human relations may be plagued by ideological factions and political camps, but we all share the ability to laugh. And laughter, in turn, depends on the most complex and subtle of all-human qualities: a sense of humor. Certain comic stereotypes have a universal appeal. This can best be seen from the world-wide popularity of Charlie Chaplain’s early films. The little man at odds with society never fails to amuse no matter which country we come from. As that great commentator on human affairs, Dr. Samuel Johnson, once remarked, "Men have been wise in very different modes; but they have always laughed in the same way."
    A sense of humor may take various forms and laughter may he anything from refined tinkle to an earthquaking roar, but the effect is always the same. Humor helps us to maintain a correct sense of values. It is the one quality which political fanatics appear to lack. If we can see the funny side, we never make the mistake of taking ourselves too seriously. We are always reminded that tragedy is not really far removed from comedy, so we never get a lop-sided view of things.
    This is one of the chief functions of satire and irony. Human pain and suffering are so grim; we hover so often on the brink of war, political realities are usually enough to plunge us into total despair. In such circumstances, cartoons and satirical accounts of somber political events redress the balance. They take the wind out of pompous and arrogant politicians who have lost their sense of proportion. They enable us to see that many of our most profound actions are merely comic or absurd. We laugh when a great satirist like Swift writes about wars in Gulliver’s Travels. The Lilliputians and their neighbors attack each other because they can’t agree which end to break an egg. We laugh because we are meant to laugh; but we are meant to weep too. It is no wonder that in totalitarian regimes any satire against the Establishment is wholly banned. It is too powerful weapon to be allowed to flourish.
    The sense of humor must be singled out as man’s most important quality because it is associated with laughter. And laughter, in turn, is associated with happiness. Courage, determination, initiative--these are qualities we share with other forms of life. But the sense of humor is uniquely human. If happiness is one of the great goals of life, then it is the sense of humor that provides the key.
We can infer from Paragraph 3 that______

选项 A、Satires and ironies overemphasize less serious aspects of human life.
B、Arrogant politicians enable others to appreciate profound actions.
C、Many issues on trivialities may arise for lack of a touch of humor.
D、A sense of humor inevitably prompts us to take ourselves seriously.


解析 题干问:“从第3自然段可以得到的推论是……”。在第3自然段作者特别强调幽默感的讽刺的重要性,并举例了《格列佛游记》中的那些人为了在哪边打破鸡蛋而发动战争,鸣蛋是一种小事,就是“triviality”的具体象征,因此选项C“对于小事情的小题大做都可能是由于缺乏幽默感所造成的”为正确选项。而选项A“讽刺过分强调生活中不重要的方面”,选项B“傲慢的政治家让其他人欣赏他们深层的行为”和原文的意思是相反的,是编撰的。选项D“幽默感不可避免地让我们把事情看得很严肃”与原文的意思相反。
