甲公司和乙公司双方签订买卖合同,甲公司向乙公司购入价值100万元的货物用于试制新产品,承诺3个月后付款。甲公司应乙公司的要求,请A公司和B公司作担保人。其中,A公司以自有的一套加工设备提供抵押担保,B公司提供保证担保。 乙公司向甲公司按期供货后,甲公司

admin2017-03-30  23

问题 甲公司和乙公司双方签订买卖合同,甲公司向乙公司购入价值100万元的货物用于试制新产品,承诺3个月后付款。甲公司应乙公司的要求,请A公司和B公司作担保人。其中,A公司以自有的一套加工设备提供抵押担保,B公司提供保证担保。


答案(1)抵押担保合法。根据规定,标的物的所有权自标的物交付时起转移,但法律另有规定或者当事人另有约定的除外。所以,甲公司拥有该批货物的所有权。且甲公司办理了抵押物登记,该抵押合法有效。 (2)不可以转让。根据规定,抵押期间,抵押人未经抵押权人同意,不得转让抵押财产,但受让人代为清偿债务消灭抵押权的除外。 (3)①第一个理由不成立。根据规定,当事人在保证合同中对保证方式没有约定或约定不明确的,保证人应承担连带责任保证,故B公司应承担连带责任保证.不享有先诉抗辩权。 ②第二个理由不成立。根据规定,被担保的债权既有物的担保又有人的担保的,债务人不履行到期债务,债权人应当按照约定实现债权;没有约定或者约定不明确,债务人自己提供物的担保的,债权人应当先就该物的担保实现债权;第三人提供物的担保的,债权人可以就物的担保实现债权,也可以要求保证人承担保证责任。本题中是第三人提供的物保,所以不优先执行物保。 (4)甲公司设立时,由C股东担任执行董事同时兼任监事不合法。根据规定,公司的董事、高级管理人员不得兼任公司监事。 (5)丁公司以甲公司为被告提起诉讼可以得到法院支持。根据规定,发起人为设立公司以自己名义对外签订合同,公司成立后,对以发起人名义订立的合同予以确认,或者已经实际享有合同权利或者履行合同义务,合同相对人请求公司承担合同责任的,人民法院应予支持。 (6)E股东提议召开临时股东会合法。根据规定,有限责任公司中,经代表公司1/10以上表决权的股东、1/3以上的董事、监事会或者不设监事会的公司的监事提议可以召开临时股东会。本题中E股东持有公司1/3的股权,有权提议召开临时股东会。 (7)损失应由D股东赔偿。根据规定,公司董事、高级管理人员不得违反公司章程的规定,未经股东会、股东大会或者董事会同意,将公司资金借贷给他人或者以公司财产为他人提供担保。董事、监事、高级管理人员执行公司职务时违反法律、行政法规或者公司章程的规定,给公司造成损失的,应当承担赔偿责任。本题中D股东的行为违反了该规定,由此给公司造成损失,应对公司承担赔偿责任。 (8)E股东可以直接提起诉讼。根据规定,公司董事、高级管理人员执行公司职务时违反法律、行政法规或者公司章程的规定,给公司造成损失的,有限责任公司的股东可以通过监事会提起诉讼;监事会不履行职责的,股东可以直接提起诉讼。 Correct answers: (1)The mortgage guarantee of Jia is legal.According to the regulations,the title to thesubj ect matter passes at the time of its delivery,except otherwise provided by law or agreedby the parties.Therefore,Company Jia has the ownership of these goods,and it has registered the mortgaged property,so this mortgage is valid. (2)This transfer contract shall be invalid.According to the regulations,the ownership of the mortgaged property shall not be transferred without the consent of the mortgagee within the mortgage period,unless the assignee debts on behalf of a mortgagor.In,his case,Company Jia does not notify the bank when signing the transfer contract,so this transfer contract is invalid. (3)①The first reason is untenable.According to the regulations,when there is no arrangement or there is unclear arrangement on the modality of guarantee,the debtor and the guarantor shall assume ioint guarantee responsibility.Therefore,Company B shall assume the joint guarantee responsibility,and shall not enjoy prelitigat ion demur right. ②The second reason is untenable.According to the regulations,where the guaranteed creditor’s rights both involve property security and personal security,the creditor shall realize creditor’s rights in accordance with the contract.Where there is no such agreement OF the agreement is indefinite in this respect,if the debtor himself provides property as security,the creditor shall have his claim paid with such property first.Where a third party provides property as security,the creditor may either have his claim paid with such property or request the guarantor to undertake the suretyship.In this case,it is the third party that provides property as security,so it cannot perform the security interest first. (4)The shareholder C serves as an executive director and a supervisor as well when the company is established,which is not legal.According to the regulations,directors and senior managers shall not serve as supervi sors. (5)Company Ding’s lawsuit with Company Jia as the defendant can get the court’s support.According to the regulations,the initiator,in order to establish the company,signs the contract in its own name.After the establishment of the company,the company shall confirm the contract with the name of the initiator,or the company has already enjoyed the rights practically or performed its obligations,and the counterpart of the contract requests the company to undertake the responsibility in the contract,the people’s court shall uphold such requests. (6)The shareholder E proposes for interim meetings of shareholders’committee,which is legal.According to the regulations,in a limited liability company,the shareholders with more than 1/1 0 of the shares,and more than one third of the directors,supervisors can propose for interim meetings of shareholders’committee.In this case,the shareholder E holds 1/10 of the shares in the company,so he has the right to propose for a temporary shareholder meeting. (7)The 10sses should be paid by the shareholder D.According to the regulations,the directors and senior managers shall not violate the provisions of the articles of association to loan company funds to other people or to provide the guaranty to others,without the consents of shareholder meeting or the board of directors.All earnings derived by the directors or senior managers in violation of the provi sions in the preceding paragraph shall be returned to the company.In this case,the shareholder D violates the provisions,and causes the losses to the company.Therefore,he should bear the responsibility for the compensation. (8)The shareholder E can bring a lawsuit directly.According to the regulations,where the directors and senior managers violate laws,administrative regulations or the articles of association when performing their duties,and thus cause the losses to the company,the shareholders of the limited liability company may file a lawsuit by the board of supervisors.If the board of supervisors does not perform the duties,the shareholder may directly file a lawsuit.

