
admin2019-07-19  53

问题     每当新学期开始,高校学生社团(association)就开始招募新成员。据调查,大多数的在校大学生都参加过社团,其中有些学生甚至同时参加几个社团。社团活动极大地丰富了大学生们的校园生活。此外,学生还能培养社交能力和组织能力等各方面的能力。随着大学生的兴趣日渐广泛,高校里的社团越发多元化。除了传统的音乐、舞蹈、轮滑和英语学习等社团,还出现了许多新社团,如素食文化(vegetarian culture)协会和创业协会等。


答案When a new term begins, student associations in colleges and universities start to recruit new members. According to a survey, most of the college students on campus have an experience of joining some association, and some of them even were members of several associations at the same time. The association activities greatly enrich college students’ campus life. In addition, students can cultivate various abilities, such as social skills and organizing ability. With college students’ interests getting wider, the associations on campus enjoy more diversity. Apart from traditional associations, like music, dance, roller-skating and English learning, there appear new ones such as vegetarian culture association, coffee and tea culture association.

解析 1.第一句的“每当……”为时间状语,用when译出,“每当新学期开始”表达为when a new term begins。
2.第二句“大多数的在校大学生……,其中有些……”可用并列结构译出,表达为most of the collegestudents…and some of them…。“参加过社团”中的“过”为时态标识词,表过去的动作,一般用现在完成时。但join“加入”是短暂性动词,故用have an experience of joining some association表达.译文中的some为泛指“某个”,也可译为an。“同时参加过几个社团”译成英文时,为避免join的重复,可以理解为“同时是几个社团的成员”,相对应的表达是members of several associations at the same time
3.“随着大学生的兴趣日渐广泛”表示伴随状态,处理为状语,可用介词短语with college students’interestsgetting wider表达,也可用连词as引导从句,译作as college students’interests get wider。
4.最后一句中,“除了……还出现……”可套用句型apart from…there appear…。“社团”和“协会”都是表达为association,英译时为了避免重复表达,“还出现了许多新社团”译为there appear new ones,用ones来指代associations。
