
admin2022-10-27  81

问题 在中国,教育被视为家庭的一个重要优先事项,许多人将课外课程看作给孩子们带来优势的一种方式。在线教育公司表示,它们为家庭提供了一种低成本的、以家庭为基础的选择。包括语言、K12、早期教育和专业培训在内的行业是投资者特别喜欢的一些热门领域。在线编程课程和大脑训练课程在在线教育市场上越来越受欢迎。二孩政策以及包括人工智能和直播在内的新兴技术都为国家蓬勃发展的在线教育市场作出了贡献。


答案In China, education is seen as a high priority for families, and many regard extracurricular courses as a way to give children an edge. Online education companies say they offer families a low-cost, home-based alternative. Fields including language, K12, early education and professional training are some of the popular areas that investors particularly like. Online programming courses and brain training courses are becoming more and more popular in the online education market. The second-child policy and emerging technologies, including artificial intelligence and live streaming, have contributed to the country’s booming online education market.

解析 1. 第一句中,“被视为家庭的一个重要优先事项”可译为is seen as a high priority for families;“给孩子们带来优势”可用give children an edge来表达。
2. 第二句中,“一种低成本的、以家庭为基础的选择”可译为a low-cost,home-based alternative。其中,alternative作名词时,表示“可供选择的事物”,与汉语中的“选择”意义相符。
3. 第三句和第五句中的“包括B在内的A”结构可用A including B结构来表达。
4. 第四句中,“编程课程”和“大脑训练课程”可分别译作programming courses和brain training courses。
5. 第五句中,“二孩政策”可译作the second. child policy;“人工智能”的固定译法为artificial intelligence,即AI;“新兴技术”可译作emerging technologies;“蓬勃发展的”可用booming“迅速发展的”来表达。
