This week, a gaggle of girls in hot pants and miniskirts will go on a long and highly publicized strike against their employer.

admin2017-11-20  22

问题    This week, a gaggle of girls in hot pants and miniskirts will go on a long and highly publicized strike against their employer. They will win their case, and in so doing, win a huge battle for working women everywhere—ushering in a new push for equal pay for women and striking a victorious blow for women’ s rights the world over. But in real life, the news isn’ t nearly that inspiring.
   On Wednesday, the U.S. senate failed to end debate on the paycheck fairness act. The so-called "commonsense law" would have strengthened anti-discriminatory law put in place by the Equal Pay Act, protected employees from being fired for asking about their colleagues’ compensation, and created negotiation skills training programs for girls and women.
   The American Association of University Women recently compared men and women with the same education, same grades, same kinds of jobs, and made the same life choices and found that women earn 5% less in the first year out of school. Ten years later, even if the women gave up having children, they earn 12% less. In another study, Catalyst found that female first-year MBA students earn $4,600 less than their male peers in their first job. In fact, in the 47 years since the Equal Pay Act was first adopted, the pay gap has decreased from more than 40 cents to just under 25 cents. We are literally halfway there.
   The republican senators voting against the act, said the act would have been bad for business. And they have been right, but not for the stated reasons. This recession is frequently called the "mancession" and that it has led to 36% increase in the number of families depending on women’s earning in the last year alone, sure, those businesses may be saving money by paying women less, but is it really in the interest of the American public to allow them to save at the expense of families? At 77 cents on the dollar, women will lose an average of $431,000 in pay over 40 years. Those losses could have been spent wisely. When you consider that women reinvest 90% of their income into their own community and family (just 30% to 40% that men invest), the impact could have been powerful. How is that for the common sense?
Before the "commonsense law", female employees were treated unfairly, for example,_____.

选项 A、earning less money than they deserved
B、being fired for asking about other’s compensation
C、being assigned too much work
D、being denied training program for girls and women


解析 根据题干关键词定位到文章第二段最后一句The so-called“commonsense law” would have strengthened anti-discriminatory law put in place by the Equal Pay Act,protected employees from being fired for asking about their colleagues’compensation,and created nego tiation skills training programs for girls and women。文章指出“常识法”欲加强反歧视法,保 护员工不会因为询问同事工资薪酬而被解雇,并且能够提供谈判技能培训。B项“因为询问 别人的报酬而被解雇”符合题意。A项“赚的钱比她们应得的少”、C项“被分配的工作量太 大”和D项“针对女孩和妇女的培训计划被拒绝”均和原文无关,故选B。
