
admin2013-08-18  39

问题     中国很少做手势,认为大量手势是多余的。使眼色和吹口哨是很不礼貌的。眼睛接触往往是间接的。两个大拇指向上和拽耳垂(earlobe)是很棒的意思。向外指、竖起小指意思是你什么都不是,质量差或者不擅长。不要用手指招呼某人,因为这个手势是逗小狗的。要想让人注意,告诉他们“来这里”,要把你的手掌放下来,手指指向你。这个手势可以对儿童,出租车或服务员使用,对长者使用被认为是非常粗鲁。为了吸引别人的注意,最有礼貌的方式是看对方的眼睛,微微鞠躬(bow)。


答案 Chinese don’t gesture very much and regard a lot of hand movement as excessive. Winking and whistling are considered rude. Eye contact tends to be indirect. Both the thumbs up sign and tugging on the earlobe are signs of excellence. An outward pointing and raised pinky means you are nothing, poor quality or not very good at something. Don’t point or use your finger to beckon someone because this gesture is used for dogs. To get someone’s attention and tell them to "come here" place your palm down and move your fingers towards you. This gesture is used with children, taxis or waiters but is considered very rude when directed at an older person. The most polite way to attract someone’s attention is to make eye contact and bow slightly.

