Some people contend that advertising has positive impact on society while others think it also has negative influence. The follo

admin2016-11-21  34

问题 Some people contend that advertising has positive impact on society while others think it also has negative influence. The following are the supporters’ and opponents’ opinions. Read carefully the opinions from both sides and write your response in no less than 200 words, in which you should:
    1. summarize the opinions from both sides, and then
    2. give your view on the issue.
    Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.
Daily life needs advertisements because the main function of advertising is to disseminate information on commodities, services, culture, employment, and even marriage.
Advertisements can help people save a lot of time in shopping, looking for jobs, etc.
Advertisements inform us of more options while purchasing particular items and looking for satisfactory and reliable services.
Advertisements sometimes mislead consumers with exaggerated and dishonest claims and provide false information. Fake advertising cheats consumers and, in some serious cases, threaten their lives.
People are easily bombarded by various advertisements on internet, which may not only spread vims to the computer system, worse still, some unhealthy advertisements would exert negative influences on people psychologically.


答案 Advertising has become prevalent in the contemporary society and billboards, TV commercials and flyers are all exerting profound impact on modern life. In the meantime, whether advertising is a blessing or a curse has sparked spirited debate. Some peo

解析     本文体裁为论说文(argumentation),全文分为四段。第一段中作者指出广告在日常生活中随处可见(Advertising has become prevalent in the contemporary society),然后指出人们对广告的两种对立的态度:一些人认为广告对人们的生活带来积极影响,另外一部分人认为广告也会带来负面影响。
    第二段,作者先承认广告的潜在负面作用(potential drawbacks),首先通过垃圾邮件(junk mails)的例子说明网络上的广告会干扰人们的生活;其次指出广告的虚假信息(false information)具有误导性(misleading)。
    第三段中,作者提出了广告的三点益处。第一,广告可以让我们了解最新产品(inform us about the latest products on the market);其次,有些广告是真正的艺术表现形式(genuine art form);第三,一些公益广告有助于人们的慈善行为(motivate people to contribum to charities)。
    第四段为总结段,作者指出广告虽然有负面作用,但其积极作用大于消极影响(the benefits created by advertising far outweigh the disadvantages)。并指出我们应该进一步推动广告行业的发展并完善广告管理(further promote advertising and meanwhile get this industry better-regulated)。
