What will the woman spend the evening doing? Why has the city started the tutoring program?

admin2022-09-29  48

问题 What will the woman spend the evening doing?
Why has the city started the tutoring program?
Listen to a conversation on a college campus. (M = Man, W = Woman)
M: Amy, a bunch of us are probably going to ditch the dining hall and go for pizza tonight. If you’re free, you can meet us at the east gate at seven.
W: You know, I’d love to, but I have tutoring tonight
M: Tutoring? I can’t imagine you needing help with a class.
W: The tutoring I’m talking about is tutoring for someone else-though, now that you mention it, physics has been giving me more problems than usual this semester.
M: I find that hard to believe. Uh, so are you tutoring one of the lowerclassmen, or something?
W: Actually, no, I go downtown to tutor a few students at the high school.
M: High school kids? Wow. In math or something?
W: Right. You’ve probably read about this in the paper, but the city’s trying to raise the standards for its math classes. The problem is, a lot of the kids are behind when they get to junior high school.
M: So you help them get caught up.
W: Basically. I have three students for forty-five minutes each on Wednesday night. So I’m there from 6: 00 p.m. to 8: 30 p.m. or so.
M: Isn’t that late for kids to be still at school?
W: Well, they’d be doing homework at that hour if they were home, anyway. The thing is, most of the tutors are students here at the university, so our classes aren’t over until late afternoon. And the city education department likes us. We’re good at what we do, but we volunteer, so the program doesn’t cost a lot beyond, you know, the heat and electricity to keep the high school open at night.
M: Can you afford to take that much time away from your own studying?
W: Some weeks it’s kind of hard, but, I mean, when I go to grad school, I’m going to have to start teaching physics to students as a professor’s assistant, anyway. I may as well get used to teaching with easier material and just one student at a time.
M: And it must be nice to help people.
W: Definitely. That goes without saying. Forty-five minutes a week isn’t much time, but all three of my students have improved in the months we’ve worked together. It’s really inspiring.
M: Cool.
W: So, anyway, sorry about dinner. It sounds like fun, and if it were any other night…
M: Hey, I understand. Have fun, and I guess I’ll see you in class tomorrow morning.

选项 A、It wants to raise the math level of the students.
B、It has received extra funding.
C、The high school building could be used at night.
D、Some university students suggested it.


解析 题目问市政府启动辅导项目的原因。女士在对话中提到,the city’s trying to raise the standards for its math classes “这个城市正在努力提高数学课的水平”,所以市政府才会启动辅导项目,故选A项“想提高学生的数学水平”。B项“已获得额外资金”没有依据。辅导课在晚上进行是因为大学生在这个时间段才有空,而且晚上也是低年级学生做功课的时间,这与高中教学楼是否可以在晚上使用无关,故排除C项。D项“一些大学生建议这样做”没有被提及。
