青藏铁路(the Qinghai-Tibet Railway)于2006年7月1日通车运营,开创了人类铁路建筑史上的新时代,被美誉为“天上的铁路”(the Sky Way)。青藏铁路的最高点5072米,即便是秘鲁(Peru)安第斯山(Andes)上的“高空

admin2016-06-19  33

问题     青藏铁路(the Qinghai-Tibet Railway)于2006年7月1日通车运营,开创了人类铁路建筑史上的新时代,被美誉为“天上的铁路”(the Sky Way)。青藏铁路的最高点5072米,即便是秘鲁(Peru)安第斯山(Andes)上的“高空铁路”也不能与之相比。“天上的铁路”从青海省的省会西宁至拉萨(Lhasa),全长约1956千米,其中至少960千米穿行在平均海拔4000米的“天上”。青藏铁路通车揭开了西藏旅游业的新篇章(turn a new leaf),利用青藏铁路的便利旅游的人数激增。因此,通过“天上的铁路”进藏旅游很受中国游客的欢迎。


答案 The Qinghai-Tibet Railway was completed and began operating on July 1, 2006. Its construction is an epoch-making event in the global railroad history and it is called the "the Sky Way". The Qinghai-Tibet Railway’s highest point is 5,072 meters, making it even higher than Peru’s famous railway running through high Andes. The Qinghai-Tibet Railway runs from Xining, the capital city of Qinghai Province, to Lhasa, for 1956 kilometers and at least 960 of these kilometers go through areas that are 4,000 meters high. The operation of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway has turned a new leaf for Tibetan tourism with a speedy increase of tourists who have been taking advantage of the great convenience offered by the railway. Touring Tibet by "the Sky Way" has become very popular with Chinese travelers.

