西安是陕西省的省会,是重要的文化、工业、教育中心,市区人口近300万。西安是中华文明的发祥地,是古代丝绸之路的东方起点。西安有3100多年的历史,从公元前11代相继在此建都。因此,西安的历史遗迹数不胜数,驰名中外,如兵马俑(the Terracotta W

admin2023-01-07  48

问题 西安是陕西省的省会,是重要的文化、工业、教育中心,市区人口近300万。西安是中华文明的发祥地,是古代丝绸之路的东方起点。西安有3100多年的历史,从公元前11代相继在此建都。因此,西安的历史遗迹数不胜数,驰名中外,如兵马俑(the Terracotta Warriors)、大雁塔(the Big Wild Goose Pagoda)以及宋朝的碑林(the Stele Forest)。现在的西安不仅是旅游城市,还是中国正在崛起的工业基地之一,尤以先进的机器制造业和纺织业(textile industry)最为出名。


答案Xi’an, the capital of Shaanxi Province, is an important cultural, industrial and educational center, with an urban population of nearly 3 million. Xi’an is the birthplace of Chinese civilization, and the eastern starting point of the ancient Silk Road. With a history of more than 3100 years, it successively served as the capital of several important dynasties from the 11th century BC on. Hence Xi’an is home to a large number of historical sites, such as the Terracotta Warriors, the Big Wild Goose Pagoda, and the Stele Forest of the Song Dynasty, all of which are well known both at home and abroad. Xi’an now is both a tourist city and one of the rising industrial bases in China, especially best known for its advanced machine-building and textile industries.

解析 1.第一句中的“市区人口近300万”可翻译成介词短语with an urban population of nearly 3 million。
2. 第四句可以翻译成一个主从复合句,将“驰名中外”翻译成一个非限制性定语从句,使句子的连接更加紧密。
3. 最后一句中的“不仅是……还是……”可以翻译成“both…and…”,也可以翻译成“not only…but also…”。
