In the following text, some sentences have been removed. For Questions 41-45, choose the most suitable one from the list (A、B、C、

admin2010-02-22  35

问题 In the following text, some sentences have been removed. For Questions 41-45, choose the most suitable one from the list (A、B、C、D、E、F、G……) to fit into each of the numbered blank. There are several extra choices, which do not fit in any of the gaps. (10 points)

    Few outside of Congress recognize the importance of leadership positions, personalities and powers in advancing a legislative agenda. Skilled leaders in both the House and Senate make the difference between success and gridlock in the dance of legislation. (41)______.
    Former Senate Majority Leader Howard Baker of Tennessee was fond of metaphorically describing leading the upper body as akin to "herding cats". (42)______.
    Last week’s Republican rules change weakens the old seniority system, providing Majority Leader Bill Frist with new powers to appoint at least half of the vacancies on the 13 most important and sought after committees, such as Finance, Appropriations and Foreign Relations. Before the rules change Republicans filled these openings purely based on seniority—the most senior member would get the first shot at a vacancy. (43)______.
    This is a new process for the Republicans, allowing the leader to fill key committee slots based on factors such as party loyalty, substantive background, regional factors or political imperatives—not just seniority.
    (44)______. Mr. Santorum worked with seven of his colleagues to enhance the powers of the Senate Republican leader and modify those powers to reflect the way the Democrats have operated for many years. Members of Mr. Santorum’s task force, including Sens. Mike Crapo of Idaho, Jon Kyl of Arizona, Trent Lott of Mississippi and Jim Talent of Missouri, developed the ultimate plan adopted last week.
    (45)______. Yet it is a step in the right direction, giving the Republican leader additional tools to install some party loyalists on all of the key committees at a time when operating as a "team" is critical to Republican success.

A. New obligations accompany this new reality: The responsibility to produce. And toward that end, Republicans took an important step last week to do just that by enhancing the power of the Senate Majority Leader position.
B. Now, by contrast, if four vacancies exist, the leader selects two and the other two are based on seniority. If three vacancies exist, the leader picks two of the three. And if only one exists, the leader fills it with his choice.
C. Democrats in the Senate take a different approach to fill vacancies, using a variety of variables such as regional balance, party loyalty, policy views and occupational background. The Senate Democratic Leader, now Harry Reid of Nevada, appoints each member of the Steering and Coordination Committee and this body makes all appointments.
D. Yet unlike the House, where a unified majority even a narrow one—can efficiently move the lawmaking process forward, the Senate is a different breed of cat.
E. The rules change won’t alter the basic operational procedures of the Senate and it’s by no means a silver bullet to radically enhance the powers of the majority leader.
F. The rules change is the handiwork of a task force convened this summer by Sen. Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania.
G. Given the rules and precedents of the Senate, a legislative leader’s arsenal of weapons to compel party unity is limited to non-existence.



解析 上一段在讲这是共和党的一项新举措;本段则在说Mr. Santorum的工作情况。所有选项中只有选项F放在此处最合适:一方面,从文字上看,"the rules change"承接上文,"Sen. Rick Santorum"又与下文有机联系;另一方面,从内容上来看,该项指出这是一个费劲儿的工作,既承上启下,又是本段的中心句,逻辑清晰。
