李时珍是明朝卓越的医药学家(pharmacologist),也是世界文化史上伟大的自然科学家。他精通医术,并且具有严谨的科学态度。李时珍钻研了很多医学上的经典书籍,并结合自身经验和调查研究,历时27年撰写了著名的《本草纲目》(Compendium of M

admin2017-04-12  27

问题     李时珍是明朝卓越的医药学家(pharmacologist),也是世界文化史上伟大的自然科学家。他精通医术,并且具有严谨的科学态度。李时珍钻研了很多医学上的经典书籍,并结合自身经验和调查研究,历时27年撰写了著名的《本草纲目》(Compendium of Materia Medica)。《本草纲目》继承和总结了历代医学著作的精华,有很多重要的发现和突破。出版之后,它的价值逐渐为人所认识。几个世纪以来,它被反复印刷并被翻译成多种文字,对国内外的医学研究有深远影响。


答案 Li Shizhen was not only a prominent pharmacologist in the Ming Dynasty, but also a great natural scientist in the cultural history of the world. He excelled in medical skills and held a rigorous scientific attitude. After his intensive study of medical classics, Ii Shizhen combined investigation with his own experience and composed the renowned Compendium of Materia Medica, which took him 27 years. The book inherited and summarized the essence of medical works in all ages, and made many significant discoveries and breakthroughs. After its publication, its value has been gradually recognized. For centuries, the book has been repeatedly printed and translated into many languages, having a profound influence on the medical research at home and abroad.

解析 1.第一句介绍了李时珍的两个身份,可用短语not only...but also...连接起来,句子显得紧凑。
2.第二句的主语是“他”,后跟两个并列谓语“精通”和“具有”,译为excelled in...and held...使句子更简洁。
3.翻译第三句“李时珍钻研了……”时,可把“结合自身经验和调查研究”和“撰写了著名的《本草纲目》”合并为一个句子,作为句子主干,用and连接两个谓语动词combined和composed;“钻研了很多医学上的经典书籍”则使用after引导的介词短语作时间状语,置于句首。“历时27年”可处理成which引导的非限制性定语从句which took him 27 years,置于句子末尾。
4.最后一句的主干结构是“它被反复印刷并被翻译成多种文字”。“对国内外的医学研究有深远影响”可使用现在分词短语作状语,译为having a profound influence on...,对主干作进一步说明。
