过年发红包(gift money)和收红包是中国传统习俗,寓意祝福和团圆。如今,红包文化在新技术的推动下推陈出新,虽然是源于商业目的,但在效果上契合了网络时代的社交需求。红包文化本身就是图个气氛。现在,这一古老习俗再生(revive)于网络。核心体验不在于

admin2023-01-07  57

问题 过年发红包(gift money)和收红包是中国传统习俗,寓意祝福和团圆。如今,红包文化在新技术的推动下推陈出新,虽然是源于商业目的,但在效果上契合了网络时代的社交需求。红包文化本身就是图个气氛。现在,这一古老习俗再生(revive)于网络。核心体验不在于红包现金的多寡,而在于每个人参与其中营造了过年的气氛,使人们体验了发红包和抢红包的快乐。回归了这份古老习俗的本义。


答案Sending and receiving gift money on the Spring Festival is a traditional Chinese custom, symbolizing good wishes and reunion. Nowadays, the old gift money culture is motivated by new technologies, and then something new is brought forth. Although out of commercial purposes, in terms of the effect, it meets the social needs in the network era. The gift money culture was designed for activating a festival atmosphere. Today, the traditional custom has revived on the network. The core experience does not rest with the exact amount of the gift money. Rather, it lies in the fact that everyone is immersed in creating a festival atmosphere, experiences the happiness of sending and competing for gift money and brings the traditional custom back to its nature.

解析 1. 第一句中的“团圆”是指一家人分开一段时间后重新聚在一起,因此此处应用reunion而非union。
2. 第二句中,“推陈出新”是指从旧的东西里面发展出新的东西。红包文化本身是一种古老的习俗,是旧的东西,因此红包文化的推陈出新是指人们从旧的红包文化中发展出新的东西,可译为“the old gift money culture is motivated…and then something new is brought forth. ”。
3. 第三句中的“图个气氛”是指为了活跃过年的气氛,因此可译为activating a festival atmosphere。
4. 第四句中的“红包现金的多寡”指的是“红包现金数量的多或少”,用amount一词即可表达出“多寡”这一层意思。因此不需要增译more or less。
