When looking for jobs, which is more important, personal ability or educational degree? Look at the following picture carefully

admin2021-02-26  49

问题     When looking for jobs, which is more important, personal ability or educational degree? Look at the following picture carefully and write your response in about 200 words, in which you should describe the drawing briefly, interpret its intended meaning, and give your comments.
    Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.


答案 Diploma and Ability As is vividly described in the drawing, Zhuge Liang, the very famous ancient statesman, strategist, inventor and militarist, goes to the job market to look for work. Unfortunately, he is rejected because he has no diploma and can’t speak English. It goes without saying that there is an undesirable trend that employers emphasize a candidate’s certificates more than his ability. A good talent policy should seek the conformity of diploma and competence. First, a diploma does not necessarily prove one’s competence. Some people’s higher diploma simply indicates a few more years of school life; they are finally granted with a diploma, but this will not change their empty heads at all. Besides, there is no necessary connection between knowledge and competence. Knowledge will not guarantee an expert in any field to anyone. Instead, a lot of uneducated people succeed because they never stop learning from life and practice. In conclusion, diploma and competence must go together and interact with each other. Only when employers get rid of their preconceived ideas about talents can they find their ideal steed.

解析     本题为图画作文。图中生动地呈现了诸葛亮去人才市场找工作的情形。不幸的是,他因为没有文凭也不懂英语而被拒了。在具体行文时,考生应首先简单描述图片内容。然后指出雇主们注重应征者的证书而不是实力这种不良趋势,并分析这种现象背后的原因。最后总结全文,提出解决办法。
