Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Beijing Olympics Volunteers in My Eyes. Yo

admin2010-05-09  28

问题 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Beijing Olympics Volunteers in My Eyes. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below:
   1. 奥运志愿者所需具备的素质
   Useful words and expressions:
   志愿者: volunteer (n./v.)
   申请: apply for, application (n.)
   招募: recruit (v.), recruitment (n.)


答案 Beijing Olympics Volunteers in My Eyes As the 2008 Beijing Olympics draws near, China is also stepping up efforts in the recruitment of volunteers. Applications soon come from people of all walks of life. But apart from enthusiasm and patience, a volunteer worker also needs other qualities, such as foreign language proficiency, driving skills, and first-aid knowledge, etc., depending on the nature of specific jobs. Being a volunteer worker for the Beijing Olympic Games is very meaningful. For the country, it saves the operating costs for the organizing committee. Though pre-event training entails large investments, volunteers’ contribution to the overall human resources is invaluable. Also for the individuals, we can broaden our horizons through participation of this international pageant. For university students in particular, Olympics volunteer work helps us to gain life experience and cultivate our sense of social responsibility. To be sure, besides a sense of honour and achievement, volunteer work is both time- and energy-consuming. The training and rehearsal alone can last for months, and one may have to sacrifice leisure time for this unpaid work both before and during the coming Olympics. However, for the successful convening of the games, such sacrifice is worthwhile, and I would like to be one of the Olympics volunteers then.

解析 写作提示:这篇作文的话题具有较强的时效性。与许多六级作文不同,本话题没有明显的争议性。但是根据所给的提纲,写作时也并不能平铺直叙。第一段可以简要介绍事件背景,再根据常识简述对奥运会志愿者的要求,第二段可以从社会、个人两个方面来阐述人们参加奥运志愿者活动的原因;最后一段提出奥运志愿者们可能需要克服的困难,并可以用自己的立场作结,契合“我眼中的奥运志愿者”这一主题。
