Who will speak up for international capitalism? Governments and businesses. What a pity that is! These supposed defenders of glo

admin2010-06-30  42

问题      Who will speak up for international capitalism? Governments and businesses. What a pity that is! These supposed defenders of globalization may do more to undermine support for it than the critics.
     【61】 Rich-country governments generally present economic integration to voters as an unfortunate but inescapable fact of life: as a constraint, that is, on their freedom of action. For the past ten years, this has been the favorite excuse of any government about to break an election promise.
     Multinational businesses, for their part, with their enlightened mission, statements, progressive stakeholder strategies, flower-motive logos and 57-point pledges of" corporate social responsibility", implicitly say that they have a case to answer: capitalism without responsibility is bad. That sounds all right; the trouble is, when they start talking about how they will no longer put profits first, people (rightly) think they are lying. 【62】 If, as these defenders of economies without borders lead you to conclude, global capitalism is a cause of democratic paralysis and a cloak for old-fashioned corporate bribery, even instinctive liberals ought to side with skeptics.
     【63】 With advocates like these on either side of the globalization debate--governments and businesses in favor, angry and uncompromising protesters against; it is natural that the general public stands firmly in support of neither. It has no deep commitment to international capitalism, but it can see no plausible alternative. Certainly, the protesters do not appear to be offering one. So people are mostly puzzled, anxious and suspicious. This climate of opinion is bad for democracy and bad for economic development.
    This survey offers a few suggestions for a more purposeful kind of discussion. It would be foolish to suppose that consensus will ever be possible. Some of the persons with the doubtful attitudes are opposed not just to globalization or even to the market economy but to the very idea of economic growth. 【64】 That view has the virtue of coherence, at least, but it is unlikely in the foreseeable future to command a large following.
     Nonetheless, among all their weak arguments, dangerous good intentions and downright foolish notions, the persons with the doubtful attitudes are hiding some important points. 【65】 Clarifying what makes sense in the skeptics’ case, and exposing the mistaken or dishonest arguments that politicians and businessmen are putting up against them, may serve some purpose. And a clearer understanding of the arguments for globalization, of the problems it solves as well as the problem it creates, may help as well.



解析 本句是含有if引导的条件状语从句和as引导的时间状语从句的主从复合句。主体句式是:If...global capitalism is...,even...liberals ought to side...。其中If引导的条件状语从句的主语是global capitalism,被as引导的时间状语从句从中隔断;此外,side with意为“(在争辩中)支持某人,与(某人)站在同一边”。
