Part Ⅱ Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) Directions: In this part you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage qu

admin2013-02-05  22

问题 Part Ⅱ Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)
Directions: In this part you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer Sheet 1. For questions 1-7, choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C)and D). For questions 8-10, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage.
                                     Protect Your Nest
     It’s never too early to protect your family’s financial well-being. Yet because most of us are so busy juggling work and family commitments, we tend to neglect the things that don’t require immediate attention. Some day, we think, we’ll take care of the three essentials-retirement savings, insurance coverage and estate planning. Unfortunately, emergencies can strike and then it’s too late. "Failure to plan is a huge mistake," Barbara Raasch, managing director at Wealth and Tax Advisory Services, Inc. , told us.
   How can you avoid the "should have, could have, would have" scenario? By putting these three items at the top of your "to do" list-protect your future, protect your family and protect your legacy (遗产).
Protect Your Future
     The national savings rate averaged around 0.4% for the first half of this year, according to the U. S. Department of Commerce, meaning Americans spent a shopping 99.6% of their after-tax earnings. Even more frightening, in July the savings rate dropped below zero. We all know we should save more. But with so many goals to save for-a house, the kids’ college tuition, your retirement, occasional vacations and a small emergency fund-it’s easy to feel there’s just not enough money to do it all.
     Budget. The first step is to create a budget. Once you know what you’re spending your money on, you can figure out What you don’t need to spend it on-and stock those savings away. "Every month you have to pay yourself first," says Joe Moglia, CEO of Ameritrade. "Take a little out of your paycheck."  It doesn’t have to be much-it could be foregoing(放弃) that extra lattice or getting the DVD free at the library.
     Retirement. Just about every survey of American investors these days shows that retirement is a main reason for saving. Yet an astounding number of people ignore the opportunities offered by employment-based retirement plans. According to a recent survey by Aon Consulting, more than 20% of those eligible for a 401k plan do not participate at all, while another 53% do not save at a rate high enough to take full advantage of their employers’ matching contribution-the closest thing to free money in the retirement savings universe. Consider it money that grows without being taxed.
     Emergency reserves. Many financial planners recommend that you have enough money in a savings or money-market account for at, least six to nine months of essential expenses, including your mortgage or rent, insurance premiums, credit card payments, utility and grocery bills and other fixed expenses, such as car payments or student loans. And it’s always a good idea to have cash on hand once you are confronted with emergency situations. For example, if the ATMs in your neighborhood are out, you can have enough to cover your immediate needs for a week or so.
Protect Your Family
     A major illness, an extended disability (残疾) or the loss of a job could wipe out your financial reserves and any prospect of being able to save enough to achieve your other life goals. Here’s what you need to protect your savings:
     Health insurance. A recent study of court records and direct interviews indicated that about half of personal bankruptcies in the U. S. are caused in part by medical debts. Only people over 65 are entitled to the medicare. So people under that age face enormous bills and many of them lack insurance.
     If your company provides medical benefits, you have the most cost-efficient coverage available. Sign up. If you’re responsible for your own medical insurance ,you may want to look into health savings accounts ( HSAs ), a combination of a high deductible health plan and a tax-deductible savings account allocated to health care expenses. The funds in the account grow tax-free and can be withdrawn tax-free to pay for any qualified medical expenses, including over-the-counter medications, dental care, eyeglasses and other costs not usually covered by conventional health insurance plans.
     Disability insurance. Over 80% of Americans don’t have adequate disability coverage, according to a survey by the Consumer Federation of America and the American Council of Life Insurers. You may already have disability insurance through your employee benefits plan, either as paid sick leave or actual disability payments if you’re unable to work for an extended period of time. But these programs tend to pay far less than your weekly salary. For the self-employed, having a financial safety net is even more crucial.
     Life insurance. If your family member dies prematurely, a life-insurance policy will provide immediate funds for funeral expenses, and may help replace your lost income. "Life insurance isn’t a priority if you are single, but if you have a spouse or dependents, you want to make sure they’re taken care of, "says Barbara Raasch. Employers frequently offer coverage as part of their benefits package.
Protect Your Legacy
      One of the most thoughtful legacies that anyone call leave is peace of mind. No one wants to mar the memory of a loved one with" I think this is what Mom wanted but she never said" doubts. You can prevent that with the right advance directives (指示) and documents:
     A will. Over half of the adult population in this country dies without a will. This is not just senseless; it’s downright irresponsible. "If you die without a will, "says Karin Barkhorn, an estate planning attorney at Bryan Cave LLP," the state determines how your assets are dispersed." What’s more, the government could end up collecting a lot more tax than necessary.
     A living will. Also known as a health care directive, a living will specifies what medical measures should be used to keep you alive if you are incapacitated. The agonizing Terri Schiavo case earlier this year showed how the absence of a living will can rip a family apart. Health care providers are generally required to comply with the wishes you describe in your living will.
      Durable power of attorney. This document authorizes a loved one to make financial decisions on your behalf should you become unable. It allows someone to renew your CD at the bank, pay bills, sell stock or even sell your home or business, based on the agent’s determination of what is best for you. "If you are in the hospital and cannot pay your bills or sign a check, someone will have to do it," says Raasch. "If any of your assets are held in your name only, your spouse can’t touch that money unless the court appoints him guardian. The emotional turmoil of your loved ones having to go to court will only add to your misery. "Although it’s best to have these documents prepared by a family-law attorney, you can cover the basics on your own with software such as Quicken’ s WillMaker Plus or Kiplinger’s WillPower.
     Retirement savings. Insurance coverage. Estate planning. These are the foundations of a financial well-being plan. Take care of your family and yourself today.
The disability insurance obtained by the employee benefits plan is ______.

选项 A、not enough for a decent living
B、quite enough for a decent living
C、better than the salary by working regularly
D、as equal as your original weekly salary


解析 该句说,由员工福利项目而得到的残疾保险比一周的工资低得多,由此可知,依靠这样的保险金不足以过上良好的生活。A项说法与原文相符,是正确答案。
